Monday, December 13, 2004

Sniff, Sniff, I'm Leaving....

Alright I apologize for not blogging any sooner. I won’t lie, I’ve been busy, or when I sit down to write a blog, I get distracted. Well its my last day in Nepal, all of a sudden there is a million things I have to finish up. Procrastination will be my doom, yet I choose to do it. Hehe. Shite where’s my passport. BRB. Alright the world is safe, I found it. Yeah I know what you’re thinking, but at lest I thought of it now, and not on the airport!!!

Finally got a new belt after, a major belt malfunction. I feel so much safer, its amazing how much more secure you feel when you know your pants are safe!! These little things we take from granted!! My belt has a lot of respect from me after that incident. In high school one day I come back to the changing room and find that someone robbed my belt. Yeah, if ever find out who the hell did that, I’ll rip their heads off!! Spent the rest of the day walking with my hands in my pockets, which were working as pretty good suspenders. Hehehe. But then again, I’ve run around school in my boxers, so I guess I sould have no issues with my pants falling off. Hmmmm.

Back to the streets of Dhaka. Well this time I have a job (well sort off), so I am likely to be busy, and there fore less bored. Plus my friends are gonna be around, so it can be that bad. Hehe hopefully I wont contradict myself in a few days time. Since I’ll be in an office I think I’ll get around to blogging a bit more. This ones not gonna be too long, as I have a ton of things to do now. I need some music for my ears… So I’m off!!!
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