Thursday, December 30, 2004

Aww that's just lovely!

My guitar skills are getting much better, especially with the leads! It's all down to the other'll have to check it out (in my user info) to understand what's going on there. But damn, I need to cut my freakin' nails so I can get much better. But I have hit my stride, getting more ideas gradually for some songs. But I've actually started making melodies now and saving them so I can put some words to those later on.

My mother put some sort of room refreshener thing in my other room and when I went in there the other day to get my guitar, I almost passed out! I don't think that thing is good for you. It smells like mothballs and I swear I could feel my brain cells dying one by one while I was in the direct vicinity of that thing!

OHHH mega embarrassing moment today! I was watching Girl Tv and they were having a segment on periods, right at the exact time my Dad came up to talk to me!! How embarrassing!! Luckily I didn't let on, hopefully he didn't pick up on what was being said and I was watching a show for tweeny girls.

I watched Gattaca today and dare I say, it was bloody awesome!! GO SEE IT! I'm still debating whether to put it in my fave list, but it's all good. I'm gonna go watch some tv all night and download some songs so that's it. Damn I hope blogger update the details for the downtime when my profile isn't updating! Have a nice day folks.
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