Friday, January 14, 2005

This cannot be good for business

My parents had a dinner party tonight and I was forced to attend. It wasn't bad though as there was a girl there who I hadn't seen for a long time. She's the daughter of a family friend, but she's a few years older than I am. Actually, she even did one of the courses than I'm doing at the same university! I had never really talked to her in a real social situation before but she was extremely friendly. It also helps that she's a hottie pattotie! Haha, where was I going with this? That's right, she helped me with some advice related to my uni stuff and I was so happy! It's very re-assuring. Unfortunately she had a really demented laugh! I think it's referred to as the "copy machine". You know the sound a copying machine makes when it's doing a heavy load? A kind of whirring noise? Well the laugh was like that but at a much higher pitch.

Anyway, I'm heading to the coast today so I'd better head to bed. I think I may even get some songs done while I'm down there. This blog was crap wasn't it? Yesh it was, I apologise! The good stuff shall return when I do! Have a nice day!
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