Monday, January 03, 2005

No Clue...

Yeah I am back into the groove, I have time again to do this everyday again. Haha yeah I know, I was busy for a change. Just got up and I know this is gonna be a wierd day. Doesnt nessarily have to be a bad day, just wierd. Again I got kicked out of the house early, but maybe thats good for me in a way, the air is slightly less poluted at this time of day. Damn didnt even get my cup of coffee. How do I know its gonna be wierd?? I picked up the newspaper and I swear I had seen everything on this paper before!!! Yes, I did check the date, it is todays paper. Oh well I guess these things happen, hopefully this doesnt happen everyday like that 11 thing. That is just freaky. And if this continue I will be like that guy from that TV show, I will go around and prevent things that are gonna happen, but hasnt. Hehe imagine the possiblilities!!! And I am gonna stop there, I am starved, need food...
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