Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Here's a bit of a fill

Ergh!! I think I quite possibly had the worst night of my life last night, and I've spent a few whole nights of my life in hospital (in excruciating pain) so you can imagine!

I was unable to close my eyes at all in order to sleep. Just haunted by the messed up thoughts and knowledge of the preceeding day. So there I was in bed for 12 hours hoping for someone to just shoot me in the head! Weirdly enough, I didn't feel tired the whole day and I still do not feel tired. It's going to be a bad night tonight too, I can just tell. Damn stress induced insomnia.

You know I have to find meaning in everything and anything! I just have to know, I have this thirst for knowledge. But then again what is life for?!

I am pissed off with song-writing! I'm not comfortable with most of the structure as I find myself rhyming too much. It results in stuff being cliched. It's limiting my expression. I want TOTAL freedom, to express myself using poetic devices like strong imagery and narrative.

Going to a friend's place tomorrow/today in order to take my mind of stuff so I'd better hit the hay soon.

I think for my next blog, I am going to put in a short story that I wrote about my ex-girlfriend. Hehe I can hear the gasps already. The other should be blogging tonight so I look forward to it. Nice day folks!
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