Monday, November 08, 2004

Another One Hits The Dust...

People have no morals these days. Anything can be justified, and I am not one to judge, but some people really need to review what they base their lives upon. This just suddenly started playing in my mind, and I started think about what people consider crossing the line. Making fun of peoples phobias can be quite uncalled for and quite unnessesary. Yet most of us find it an extremely funny thing to act upon. There is a reason why its called a phobia, its because they are mortally afraid of whatever it is, and we should just lay off. Ok this blog is gonna be all about what I like and what I dislike. I admire and respect people who have principals, and most people don't, at lest not ones they actually stick to. Its probably because most people these days don't have a spine, let do what everyone else is doing!! Yay I have no mind!! Bloody idiots. Originality is something that is very important to me, and most people lack it and its a shame. Doing what every one else is doing is not gonna get you anywhere in life... Especially all the bands back in Dhaka, what is it with you people playing only cover, have some balls, and play something that you wrote, or I would just have to say you must really suck!! Back to the point I was gonna make. So when a person violates someones trust, in making them do what ever they would not like to do, its just simply a situation where i just look down and shake my head. What did they really acomplish by doing that?? Simply nothing!!! Unless that person is some concience less bastard, it will bother him later, like most things do. And the person will just feel bad they did that, even though they had no clue. Its just extremely sad what people find funny these day. Oh look that guy doesn't have a leg, haha. How is that even funny, I wish i could slap people upside the head everytime they make a comment like that.

Well my mind is on a strike, so i cant think of anything today. Sure its all my fault, i should be asleep. But there are so many fun things to do!!! Alright I better get to sleeping today, damn its already tommo...
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