Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Time Machine??

Take my advice, having a whole pound bag of skittles isn't good for you. Well who cares it was damn good while it lasted, bu now all I'm left with is a stomach ache. It should say "Warning to be take in small doses only", but then I should have known better. Oh!!! Maybe thats why they are in those small bags, and not in one huge bag. Hehe thats right I am feeling a bit stupid at the moment, and yes Madam N. you had warned me!!!

Its funny how fast our bodies get used to something. All my life I have had short hair, just about a few months ago I get a strange urge to grow my hair, and so I do it. As soon as I got it cut today, I got a strange feeling that I was missing something. If we can so quickly override our life long habits/senses then damn thats a bit freaky. No wonder people change. Time almost undoubtedly changes everything.

Speaking of time, whats so great about the time frame that we live in. All this damn technology is getting irritating. Things are updated almost every minute, and soon once I get to Uni, I won't have enough time to keep up to date and not to mention enough bandwidth. Sometimes I wish I were living in the stone age, life was definately a hell lode easier. Don't get me wrong, I love technology, but just think would it be so bad. Especially if you had no clue none of this existed??

Getting distracted too easily these days, have to work on my concentration level. I sat down an hour ago to write this blog, but got distracted by the beautiful melody of "strange - vonray" and just had to pick it up. I can't help myself when I hear a nice tune. And also, there were no tabs, so I wasted more time than I needed to. Can't really call it a waste can we??

This whole last year has been an experience for me. I don't think I'll ever has as much time as I have had and am having again in my life. Thats quite sad if you ask me, hopefully I'll be able to take a long vacation at some exotic place and forget about the materialistic worries that are cluttering my head. I think at any other stage in life it will be a lot harder to forget about the responsibilities and just unwind, so I better enjoy it!! I personally don't have any regrets on taking this time off (I've been able to do everything that I intended to do) but as I talk to more people I realise that ammount that they have accomplished already is so much greater than what I have so far. Well maybe who gets there first doesn't matter, but I'll always be behind. I can look at it in a positive way, send in the troops, observe what happens, then make wise decesions, hehe sorry folks seems like you are my human shields.

Ok I think thats about enough for now, no need to take away more time from your precious life!!! I think I'll get back to playing Strange (G,Dsus4,Em,Cadd9). Oh and keep you eyes pealed, only 2 weeks for the US elections to get over. Why do I care you ask?? Coz who ever wins in not only gonna rule the US, but will have the power to cause enough damage in our worlds, our worlds we'll never fix...
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