Monday, October 11, 2004

Fakeness is realness and it runs both ways?!

Haha! After reading Saturday night/morning's post, I realised there could be a rather funny interpretation of the last part of the blog! Don't worry folks, I was rooted in the tiredness sense, not in the sexual intercourse sense (and definitely not with the lovely girl I met)!

Hot weather is really becoming a bitch and I am no longer able to sleep in a jumper. After 12 hours sleep I awoke to a brilliant idea for a short film. It involves a murder (of course), a shocking twist (that makes The Usual Suspects twist look like a Disney production) as well as an ode to Mariah Carey as a key theme plot!

I just noticed that I had notes in my blog journal for Thursday afternoon which I neglected to post so I shall do that now. Afternoon classes were cancelled so I was able to go to lunch with friends in Civic. It was also school holiday time for high schools and colleges around then so the shopping centre was absolutely packed with young people ("hooray")! The sheer volume of young skank hoes was enough to make me want to regurgitate my lunch before I'd even had something to eat! But it was a good time with friends and I saw an absolute stack of clothes that I'd love to buy when I finally get payment for my electoral work. Also saw an IRIVER mp3 player which puts the I-Pod to shame, and would also lead to a terrible hole in my bank account. There was also a brilliant combination mp3 player/camera which I would just DIE to have but unfortunately only has the memory capacity of about 512mb. This would be horrendous as my current library is just a tad over 7 gig.

The title of one of my previous posts was called "Et C'Est Parti". I should probably attribute that right now. It belongs to a French song of the same name by Nadiya. Yesh, the song is in French and it's been so long since I've done French that I cannot remember most of it but when a song is really good, it doesn't matter what language it is in or whether it has lyrics or not. If it sounds good to you, you'll like it regardless! It also helps when the artist is incredibly, incredibly beautiful!

Ahhh practically 2 weeks of university left, I look forward to it! Crapola, I should do my readings and head to bed. Crappy ol' journalism in the morning, huzzah! Nice day people. Oh and the other shall be returning with his blogging prowess on the 13th, when he finally returns from his journey.
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