Saturday, September 18, 2004

Livewire...look out!

Hello folks!

Not much to report today. Just trying to kill off the last few days of hols before I head back to uni for another 6 weeks of hell. Hehe I love the other's adventures! It's not safe in that part of the world right now but I know he's having a great time. Stack on the kilos buddy!

Was bored out of my mind so I decided to watch Mission To Mars. I should have watched it when it first came out, not after I had seen 2001: A Space Odyssey because I realise what a second rate rip off it is! It wasn't THAT bad, it was an ok way to waste 2 and a half hours.

It however DOES bring up some excellent points about evolution. As you have probably learned in 3rd grade science, all of humanity has evolved from one life-form, one single cell, many many millions of years ago. What science cannot explain is WHERE this cell came from or how it came to be. This film gave us the theory that we are the product of alien DNA. I've heard that one before and it's an interesting concept!

I don't know what mainstream science's explanation is for this first cell. This is where I like to fit religion in to plug in all the gaps from science. Hehehe I like to do the same when religion fails to explain anything (which is the majority of the time)!

So let's go back (back to the begining, back to when the Earth, the Sun, the stars all alligned...oh stop quoting Hilary Duff) even further to the origins of the universe. Big bang theory!! All the signs are there, the evidence is there but HOW or WHAT could have caused it to take place? Ahhh I just don't know!! It's times like this I wish I was decent at maths and did Astrophysics. I can understand Hawking's theories from reading them in word format, not formulae and such. I don't think they'd let a typographer into something like physics would they?

I'll try to keep it concise for today. Last point, I started playing around with some weird chord combos in order to get my song writing task done before Monday. I think it's going to accidentally turn into progressive pop (if such a thing is possible)! Damn you Dream Theater! Then there's the freakin' task of putting words to fit in with the melody! It's open chord and some barres here and there so unfortunately I can't just resort to good ol' angry stuff so I think it has to be happy and lovely (aww how cute)!

Anyway I'd better be off to get lots and lots and lots of sleep. Holy crap, I hope I do something worthwhile tomorrow or else I'm going to have to resort to my thoughts on post-modernism and how much it sucks, yet how I came to accidentally be one!!

Be like the other! Safe + Adventures = good time, have a nice day folks.
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