Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sweating Upon Your Sheets

And that was the most nervous, awkward laugh I've ever heard.

I recall that back in high school, my parents became close to a guy who worked in a record store who would give them heavily discounted, if not free CDs for me. It was absolutely nuts, and I amassed a ridiculously huge collection of CDs in no time. In fact, I think I have more CDs than most other people I know. Of course, the physical
CD doesn't mean much anymore, most of it has been ripped on to my hard drive, since I listen to most of my music via MP3 anyway. Haha, those were good days, too bad I'm not down with other such people any more. Needless to say, I don't think that guy worked there for very long!

I'm so glad I was able to fix my computer, I would have felt bad if I had to give my parents a computer that wasn't running very well.

The other and I should be getting together this weekend to jam which should be great. It's been a while since I've played something new, but we all know whose fault that is.

I'm not a fan of honorary degrees. It cheapens the idea of people having done the work to actually have the award conferred on them. And in some cases, people who have left university and become successful in another field will get their original degree conferred to them! What bullshit! Why do we even bother with school? Maybe if I become a famous actor, Harvard will bestow an honorary business degree on me!

Why can't I get over it? I hate being discarded like this, cause it makes me wonder if you were worth it. Why do I keep thinking about something from so long ago? If I never saw you again, maybe it would be easier, cause I could make up my own dreams about what you are doing and how you are much happier.

Anyhow, not much else to say today. Hopefully more tomorrow.

Joaquin out.
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