Friday, March 02, 2012

Sleepers In The Fog, And These Feelings Don't Want To Be Found

Since work is utterly boring, I have been spending my time reading transcripts from Enough Rope. Not all of them, but just the ones of interest. That's right, the taxpayer pays me 90k+ a year to be bored and kill my imagination. I was reading Don Burke's interview, and he had this awesome advice "I worked out very quickly at school - if you're a real rebel, be invisible. 'Cause if you stand up to authority
they bash you into line, but if they don't know you're there you can do whatever you want." - Amen. That's something I 100% agree with. Don't believe me? Try it.

Why is Andrew Denton a good interviewer? He is obviously intelligent, and a good listener. Let's not also forget the meticulous research that manages to surprise his guests, but I think there is something else. I think Denton comes across as non-threatening. Isn't he just that guy that all the girls fall into the 'friendship zone' with? People will just tell him things!

I remember back in High School I used to 'date' a girl named Holly. I say 'date' in such a fashion because we didn't really date. I saw her probably 3 times over the space of 3 years. I recall that she used to dance - square dancing (haha yes I am laughing right now), which she was quite keen on. There was a boy called Steven who I had gone to Primary School and High School with. He also square danced. I grew
quite agitated that Holly would never make the time to see me. She was in fact one of those "oh I hate planning, let's just do something off the cuff" sort of girls (yes the ones I hate). So of course, nothing happened! It turned out that she and Steven danced at a few of these things together! That pissed me off to no end, because here was just some annoying guy who all of a sudden was able to see my
girlfriend more than I did. Oh well, she was a bad girl anyway - she ended up cheating on me repeatedly. The issue is that it was a relationship I gained and learned nothing from. I only carry scars. But if I was able to go back in time and try to stop myself from getting into that relationship to spare myself wasted time and heartache, I don't think the younger me would listen, and that is just incredibly sad.

Goddamn, I really need to stop sending myself my blognotes through Gmail. At night times I try to recover them so I can post them here (since I'm obviously not going to do that at work), and I see your name on google chat. Fuck. I hate seeing your name online. I feel so pressured to talk to you and entertain you, since you think I'm
such a bore. Sorry I can't live up to the premise of your action man boyfriend, who has the all fucking personality of a cardboard box, mind you. Well I apologise if life is just like that sometimes. From my desk, I turn my head to the left and I can see the apartment we spent a few hours at all that time ago. In fact I can see into the room where we cooked together and made angry love in that bed. It's all a bit disconcerting that I can see it from where I am almost everyday. The problem was we just couldn't stay there. I didn't want to leave. But we had to. You had to go home. So did I.

And that's just how it is.

Joaquin out.
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