Monday, March 25, 2013
What You Put It In
Do you even know?
No, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't.
I think with this we are now at 1,000 posts, so congrats to the blog and to the other and I for such a gargantuan effort. 1,000 posts! My goal is to get to 1,095 posts, just so readers can read a post a day for three years. That'd be pretty nifty, don't you think?
Not a lot going on with me at the moment. Although I think that my guitaring skills are now back to where they were in university when I was playing 12 hours a day during my holiday break. My fingers just feel more in 'sync' across both hands, and I am able to play quite fast, yet still being able to articulate clearly between notes. Coordination has also improved, which is very welcome. I wonder what it could all be down to? I haven't really altered my training regimen in any way, it just seems to have been a noted improvement in my technique basically overnight. I'm glad that guitar has been featuring as a constant theme throughout.
This shitty 3G reception on my phone is a joke. Fuck you, Optus! Everybody should just leave that carrier. Killing my productvity.
The question is basically when will I have had enough? Things are not going to end very well. Just in one of those moods. Maybe some more time till I feel better. It could be anything, couldn't it? Is there more to it than what I think?
Just so damn tired and out of it. It's a nice day out there and I can't even enjoy it.
Following someone on blogger who seems to update their blog about 10-15 times a day. How does anyone have the time to do that kind of hardcore blogging?! I wish I did! Haha, I'd have tripled output.
On top of everything else, I am monstrously hungry! It always hits hardest on Mondays. Do I even know what I'm talking about? Blergh, maybe a good night's rest and I'll be feeling better hopefully.
What's the deal with the obsession against ageing? There's a million anti-ageing treatments and what not, and the industry is thriving. But ageing is inevitable, you will get older and you will also look it. You need to stop being so obsessed with your appearance and recognise that you're going to die someday. Whither and rot away like a piece of fruit left outside. Once you accept that, you can stop freaking out and get on with actually living your lives. It makes no sense really. You cannot fight the facts of life.
Ok, just need to make it for 90 minutes before I can go home and eat.
What I'll never get is this new meme I've seen on tumblr about guys getting annoyed when they get 'friendzoned'. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past 2 decades, being friendzoned means a situation where you have a close relationship with a girl to the point where she regards you as nice and treats you as a friend, with no possibility of dating. Usually girls don't date friends for fear of ruining the friendship, or making things awkward. So essentially, the friendzone is not somewhere you want to end up if you are romantically interested in a female. So, this meme was basically saying that you shouldn't get pissed off in the event that you get friendzoned because you should be doing things pragmatically and you shouldn't be rewarded for doing what's expected of you. Well yes, I totally agree with that point, you should be nice to people anyway. But when you get the instance (which is not that rare) of single women complaining that there are no nice men, then things become quite unsavory. You can't complain there are no nice men if you have put them all in the friendzone, so that you cannot see them as a romantic partner. Then you factor in the issue that women are attracted to bad boys for some inexplicable reason (like a moth to a flame) and you get behaviour that is just logically incongruous. That should just piss you off. Ok, guys should be nice for no reason, but if it's going to preclude them from having relationships with women, then doesn't it logically follow that men should be as nasty to as many women as possible?
Probably should stop addressing you.
What the hell ever happened to Ryan? He shouldn't have dropped out of college, he was a smart kid. Then again, you don't need college (or university for that matter) to get anywhere in life. Always remember that.
Didn't get any gaming in on the weekend, and that's alright. Just would have been better if I had got in some robotech and teknoman instead, but I didn't do too much. There's a lot of things I'd like to play now (Heart of the Swarm, Saints Row 3, Dark Souls), but there's nothing like seeing a game you want on sale on Steam and just KNOWING that you're not going to buy it because you'll never play it. Just a hazard of getting older. Occupational hazard. That is my occupation, getting older and doing nothing with my life.
Alright, got 30 minutes until I'm out of here. What to do, what to do?
Is that why I blog so much? Everything has been so internalised? And I guess this is an extension of internalisation, or maybe it's my way of expressing myself now? Not sure, that's pretty complicated.
Bah, struggling to stay awake here.
Anyway, I think that this has been a pretty good blog entry (for the 1000th), if you don't me saying so!
Take care of yourselves.
Joaquin out.
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