Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Non Sequitir: Musings On Past Advice

Angelo used to say that every girl felt different - at a very biological level.

No girl was the same as another, and that you should remember them all.

Then I met you, and promptly forgot everyone else, even myself, as I began to live for you. To live to experience you.

You felt the best.

You tasted the best.

My blood burns white hot as I just recall the sensations, and the hedonistic desire we cultivated and satisfaction we enacted on each other.

Without you, I never would have picked my penchant for the darker side of lust and desire. You introduced me to a whole other level of power and contentment in your arms.

Even if I blabbed to the whole world that we were together, nobody would believe me.

But the question remains - are you a bad person? Would others look at this situation and say that you are an awful human being and that I deserve someone better?

Well you can't help the way you feel, can you?

Joaquin out.
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