Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Exposing the expose for exposure

I must sing the praises of Desperate Housewives. Channel 7 have been hyping this show for months. Then again, it's with good reason, their season is looking up and there is going to be a lot of TV watching from me this month. I have Desperate Housewives, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, The Amazing Race, it's all good! This show is fantastic, it's something akin to Six Feet Under in terms of black comedy, but it also has it's moments of drama and a good ol' fashioned soapie.

I've totally run out of things to say! I'm so close to finishing The Da Vinci Code! Only 30 or so pages to go, it's freaking me out!!! Just like comic book guy, let me say "best book ever"!

So what else can I say? Let's re-visit High School again (ahh I'm feeling nostalgic). Let me paint the picture for you. It's the year 2000, year 10, I'm about 15 (I have a lateeeeee birthday) and it's about 2 months into the first semester. I had just been overseas for several months and I was getting used to having my time wasted by the crap that was known as my school. Anyway, I was with friends at recess catching up when I noticed a new girl who just looked absolutely amazing!!! She was immaculately dressed and just had this whole aura of grace about her. I was about to go up to her and flirt when I decided to do some recon and ask my friends about her to try and find some common ground. It was then I found out that she was...A NEW TEACHER!!! OH....MY....GOD!

This woman could easily pass for a 16 year old (she was 24) and damn, I know it sounds so juvenile and sexist but I can't help myself, she has THE best ass I've ever seen in my life, regardless of age! I had a gigantic schoolboy crush on her, which was fantastic because until then there had been no attractive teachers in my life (and I think you haven't REALLY had the full schooling experience until you've actually had a crush on a teacher). So of course I tried to see her whenever possible because I couldn't get into any of her classes since she taught all the normal level maths and science classes (damn being gifted)!! Well being a student, it would have been rather terrible for anything to happen. The closest I ever got was a 4 hour flirting session on a trip to Wonderland. Hehehe it took sex education a few steps too far. Ever since I've graduated, I've wondered what's happened to her. Of course it's been 5 years, I don't even know if she still works there. Haha, she's probably married or something. But damn, it would be nice to see her again. I'll try to gain an interview someday for uni. It wouldn't be so unethical this time around...heeehee!

This was rather pointless. I apologise but I also don't think it's going to get any better tomorrow! Have a nice day people.
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