I read that by 2016, 1% of humanity will own over 50% of the world's entire wealth. Is that acceptable to you? No. It is self-perpetuating. They will gradually take more and more, until there is nothing left for the rest of us. Something has to give. We can't go on like this. This is inequality, and it has been spreading like wildfire over these past few decades.
It feels like I'm rolling the dice every time I get up. Every time I press the power button. I still have 2.5 hours to go! All my work is done. What ever can I do? Just be thankful I suppose. It'll be nice to just let the hours waste away for a little while. These letters. They always get me into trouble. But they're worth it, because at least it's the truth. Through everything else there's vulnerability.
It was a terrible month. Reminiscing can be a dangerous thing. Because it makes you reflect on who you are, and whether things have actually changed. Or whether we all just really stay the same, from birth to the grave. The human brain has evolved into something really strange. Why do we need emotions? How does that help us in the evolutionary scheme of things? The world is just such a strange place. I am getting too much of it lately. I've seen too much. I know too much. And I'm not doing anything about it. I could just do with a lie down and some iced tea. I don't want to think about anything.
That includes this.
Joaquin out.