Friday, January 23, 2015

The Letter For Today Is "M".

Rated M for mature audiences only.  It's not the proper first letter.  I'm trying to be a little different.  It's all a little bit strange.  Is it just awkward flirting?  Am I just crazy?  Or is that how things are?  It is all just strange and new to me.  Slowly but surely, I'm able to play guitar again.  Just need to work up a bit of coordination and then work on the speed.  Never the other way around, or it will mess you up.

I get the feeling that this is the last time I'm going to be doing anything.  It's not even a case of "oh my god" but more a case of "let's get this over with".  I'm tired of waiting.  I slept lateish last night, and again I couldn't sleep until my alarm went off.  I was up about 45 minutes before and couldn't get back to sleep.  Not so great with all the stuff I need to do today.  I just know it can't be good.  Oh well.  I could do with the rest, no matter what form. 

Well hey, at least I'm leaving early today.  That sure beats having to hang around for 4 hours!  But It's just 3 hours thank you very much. 

People are just weird.  I've noticed that people drive so erratically and dangerously almost all the time.  I live in a relatively empty city of 380,000.  We have good roads and wide lanes.  But people speed all the time, they dive in and out of traffic, run red lights, don't stop at stop signs, tailgate and so on.  It's like we are slowly edging towards third world anarchy.  I've been to places like that.  You can't get on the road there, it's complete and utter chaos.  People don't follow rules, they just drive, and somehow make it to their destination.  People are just animals, laws unto themselves.  When you're on the road, you're not just taking a risk with yourself, but with other people on the road too.  So I don't get why people feel the need to drive like idiots.  Do they not know what the consequences are?

Do you think humans are really clued in to the animalistic nature of their origins?  Does that explain our violence?  Does that explain our crazy need to have sex all the time?  You have the best chance of survival through safety in numbers of course.  To prove your point and make sure you can't be challenged for resources, you turn to violence as a result.  But animals realise things in packs, or at least some of them do.  Do you think group behaviour in humans in large spaces can determine whether something bad is going to happen?  Is there some sort of shared awareness?  We're not even a hive mind.  How is that even possible?  Maybe it radiates like a wave?  Can it only be determined once something bad has happened and one person reacts to it?  Is it much use then?  Reminds me of the plot of person of interest. 

I should have been paying attention at that stage.  It was all important information!  I'm not warm.  That's my problem.  I wonder how pacing in the real world is different to it being artificial?  My back is killing me.  I wonder what teh hell is going on.  It never hurts like this.  Not so good when I need to sit down for 3 hours to drive. 

This is just a nothing post isn't it?  I'm sorry!  I've just got nothing to say.  I don't even think I have anything on my mind.

But crap, I still have just under 2 hours to go before I'm out of here, so I better make this count. 

Marriage is an interesting concept don't you think?  I can understand its pagan origins and what not, but isn't it weird how it still pervades all modern day secular behaviour?  It does hark back to religious overtones, and a time when women did not hold a lot of power in society.  Marriage ensured they were protected, even if they were treated like property.  But divorce laws ensure that women were protected after separation, in the event of anything going wrong.  But things have changed, most definitely in the last century or so.  Women are working, and aren't treated as chattels anymore.  So why are there divorce laws that reward women for separation when they have sufficient earning capacity?  If a guy earns 50 thousand, and a women earns 25 thousand (which could happen, because there is a disgusting disparity in earning), how come she's suddenly entitled to half of what he has earned and paid the majority for over the life of their relationship?  She can still earn.  It's an inherently unfair power relationship before the law.  You get a lot of cases where guys get mistresses and then try to kill their wives to try a new life.  Why is that?  Why can't he just talk to his wife and say that he has found someone else?  It's because of divorce laws!  Wooo controversial!  I'm trying to get all freakonomics on you.  If he had nothing material to lose, maybe he would have communicated with her and her life could have been saved?  It's interesting food for thought.

I'm done for today. 

Joaquin out.
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