So who are you? Do these words mean anything to you? Who are the people that read this blog? Are they just passing posts? No regard to who we are? No understanding of who I am? I don't even think this blog does a good job of explaining who I am. But I guess I prefer it that way. You see what I want you to see. But I don't really do this for the audience. I do it for me. I'll always be writing here regardless. It's my escape. It's my release. Anyone else who blogs should also have that in mind.
I'm just tired. Tired of it all. What do you do when you get to that sort of situation? Nothing. You just sleep and wish your entire life away. I would love to actually see...crap and I totally forgot my point! Hahah, I should have finished typing it before doing other stuff, now I have no idea what I was meant to be talking about. My phrase for the day is going to be "fuck it" just keep trying.
And that's really all I can do at this point. 2.5 hours until I'm out of here. It's a question of what I want. My head is buzzing and I just want to collapse right here. This is a very dark, dark hole I am in. There's no way out. Just further in until there's no light.
Hmm I just feel like playing something randomly.
I'm done.
Joaquin out.