Saturday, November 23, 2013

Obligations For Hire

Well what a weird position to be in. What do you do when what you were planning on actually happens? It could solve all my problems or create a whole set of new ones.

They are all alike in that way, aren't they? I wonder if it means what I think it does. It probably does. I'm probably making too many assumptions on all fronts. Again not enough information to get all the things I need.

This might just blow it all out of the water. But perhaps that's what it all needs. There's too many variables. Well hold up a second, none of that makes sense. Not with what's on front of my anyway.

I guess right now I have the chance to get away from it all but only temporarily. Is that all I need? Maybe it is just a repeat of what happened with me. That could potentially make sense.

I want to just rest and relax and not have to plan my day and tick them off. I miss my guitar. I need to play.

Look out for the surprise. There's a lot going on behind the scenes. Why do these questions have to be asked?

It feels good to blog away from home though. I don't use blogger+ as much as I should. Probably cause I'm always at work anyway. 15.5 hours until I'm home. I can't wait. Exhaustion has set in.

I have been here far too long and am going stir crazy.

Crap! My battery is on the way out. Hopefully it makes it so I can post this after I've collected enough ideas.

I'm feeling inspired. I'm buzzing. I'm tired. I need to eat. Never again. I guess I make my own way.
Always first time lucky.

How lucky? Lucky enough.

Ill see what I can do.

But for now I'm done.

Joaquin out.

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