Oh wow, within the space of 2 minutes, I've completely run out of ideas to blog about. So let's just see where this takes us, shall we?
It's just right there!! You can see it so easily, but yet it's all still so unreachable and unattainable. And I have nothing to look at but a fake sunrise. Are you more concerned by what is not there than what is actually there? Because it tells a startling story. There's not enough information to make a call either way. It's all just rather interesting. I should be somewhere else. Am I the one under the thumb? It's an interesting question. I don't have the same help at my disposal. It's not so sinister. But I'm still here, aren't I? From one end of the island to the other.
Hahahah ohhh now I remember what I meant when I was felled by video game mechanics!! I was referring to that flight control game on iOS. Damn those change of winds and new runways being required for landings.
It's nice seeing 40 e-mails gradually reduce to 15. That means I've got more time to blog, but nothing to say. It's apathetic boredom. I've got no motivation to do anything, and it's only 11am!! How am I supposed to get through the rest of my day? I should be using this time to learn something at least, but I'm still so damn tired. I'm sick of being bored, and I'm sick of not having the motivation to get out of it. I'm so sorry for myself. I've just got nothing to do ahhhhhhh.
How many freakin' jobs did I apply for?? And how many have I heard back from? Like 2! Those are bad odds. I don't know what you're looking for!
What's with these online friendships? From instagram or tumblr or wherever else, they are all superficial friends. They don't know anything about me, and I don't know anything about them. Anything if import, anyway. That's what people are relying on these days, these shallow friendships that don't really stand the test of anything. Cause for most people (and I'm not one of them) of being out of sight, out of mind. And those people are terrible. They can't acknowledge anything unless it's right in front of their faces.
What the hell is up with the airconditioning at work? It's finally summer, and it's 30 degrees celsius and actually hot. But work is so cold that I'm wearing my full suit and trying not to shiver from the cold because it's insane. How much window gazing am I doing??
Everybody talking at work does so in hushed tones and little corner office gossiping and whispers. Something is always going on. And just look at that! Waffling on and this post is starting to take shape.
Arghh, I just want to go home! Can I figure things out? Well not with what's on offer here. Can't be too silly now, can I?
I'll try to blog while I'm away, but I don't think the hotel has wireless, but I'll take my charger so I can save and edit a bigger post when I have the time.
Just absolutely killing it on guitar at the moment, I'm enjoying every second of it. Time to get a bit more focused with it.
I'm done with today.
Joaquin out.