Monday, November 04, 2013

And Yet Here We Are

Despite all odds.  Looking back on all my November posts I've realised that I haven't really blogged about my birthday that much.  By which I mean bitch about it, haha!  I don't particularly enjoy it.  To me it's just a regular day and I don't appreciate others making a big deal about it.  It should be my choice, shouldn't it?  There hasn't been a whole lot going on with me.  However, I did get some new tracks down on guitar and I am very happy.  I don't even remember the last time I came up with something new.  If only every week was a 4 day working week.  But this week is a full week for me. 

Ahhh how many job rejections can I take?  I guess if I was talking to someone else, I'd say it's a game of probability and attrition.  Apply for enough roles and you're bound to get something, so cast the net far and wide.  You can't take that sort of thing personally.  It's just one of those days.  Getting phone calls I wasn't expecting and so on.

Haha wow, I guess not a lot to say today.

Joaquin out.
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