My head and body are doing weird things. I guess I'm just super tired. I'm going places! Goddamn, it's only 11:30??! How much more have I got to put up with?? Haha, this is shaping up to be a pretty bad entry. But that's cool, we've had so much greatness this week, it had to fall apart somewhere. Nothing lasts forever, does it? How many questions am I going to ask?
Looks like travel season for work is back in full swing. It's fake travel though, it's not real. You can't relax or sightsee, and it's all a bit of a hassle really. Would be looking forward to watching some plane movies though. I should also buy some books to keep me occupied.
Sometimes you just get the weirdest of news at the most random of times. Is this all about being played? We will see what happens. All from right under my nose!!
Guitaring is going better, but I think I am due for a nail trim already! Damn, that wasn't that long since the last one.
It's all just a bit uneasy. Like a weird stalemate in the midst of heavy fighting. How do you fix a ruined outfit? Hmm, gonna need to think about that one.
What in the hell is going on? Things got crazy busy this afternoon. Couldn't even focus on my main work cause all this other crazy stuff kept happening.
Anyway I had better stick with it, since I've only got just over an hour and I'm not in tomorrow, so I'll leave it there for now.
Oh also unlikely to blog tomorrow, but I'll try to blog over the weekend while I'm out. But no promises.
I'm done, take care folks.
Joaquin out.