The weekend must have screwed me up big time. I slept like I was getting ready for a morning exam. Everything was fine when I first went to bed early, but then I woke up about 90 minutes later and I could not go back to sleep. Not just that, I found myself having to go to the bathroom out of nowhere! Way to go body, you let me down well. It was EXACTLY like my morning exams for uni. Sleep well and early, thinking everything will be ok, but then magically you wake up later, and you toss and turn the whole night and then before you know it, it's time to get up and you're absolutely wrecked for your exam! Haha, good times! I'm still not feeling 100%.
In another sign of my body failing me, I got on the bus this morning and it was packed and I had to sit facing everyone else. Then despite it being absolutely freezing cold, I started sweating like a mofo out of nowhere and my face was drenched. This was not good. I had no handkerchief, no tissue or anything like that. I knew it was happening and I had no idea why, it was just batshit insane. Then I looked up and realised everyone was looking at me and wondering what the hell was going on. I knew it. I was practically drowning in my own sweat and it was utterly humiliating. I don't know why it was happening. I was cold, and I'm not sick, it makes no sense that I should be sweating like that. And just on my head. Goddamn. Never catching that bus again, I don't think I could put up with that sort of insanity again. Ahh, embarrassing moments, you can go to hell, I'm too old for this shit.
A walking accident, I shouldn't even be here.
Nobody is on my side. It is me against the world. Is there anyone out there who gets me? Who understands me? Probably not. But that's ok. I recall reading the other putting a post up the other day (not on here), where he said people should probably stop putting everything up on the internet. I agree to an extent, but I guess that's what makes the internet so great. It's the repository of almost all the information humanity has ever put together.
Following too many people on instagram and tumblr. My feed on tumblr is a massive mess. Too few people post too much crap! That's the problem. They're monopolising everything, with no regard to people's feeds. People should use the queue feature more often, as I've resorted to doing now and it's made life much easier. Just because they follow you doesn't mean you should follow them. Going to go home today and unfollow a whole bunch of people, it'll be good and liberating!
So we've got the verdict back in the George Zimmerman trial (even though people are referring to it as the Trayvon Martin case). If anyone thought that it was going to be anything other than a not guilty charge to murder, I'd say those people are crazy. The issue is reasonable doubt. The defence team did an excellent job of highlighting that without clear evidence of what exactly happened during the fight, you have to take Zimmerman's version of events as gospel. Things like this will always happen unless you change the burden of proof. It's irrelevant anyway, because in America black people go to prison on trumped up charges, usually sentenced for manifestly excessive terms and nobody seems to care. So if you reduce the standard of proof, the same thing is going to continue to happen anyway. Zimmerman did a stupid thing, yes. Martin did not deserve to die, and he was just defending himself after Zimmerman accosted him because of his racist beliefs. How the jury didn't convict on manslaughter at least is beyond me, but I put that down to the 6 woman, all white jury. Look, it is their perceived worst nightmare, a black man out and about in a predominately white neighbourhood walking freely. Let's face it, if you're black in America, there is always a cloud of suspicion surrounding you. Nobody seems to have addressed that. So when someone questions him, of course they will want to ensure that right is protected. And therein lies the eternal struggle, the conservatives vs rational people. Conservatives want to take away rights and treat people unequally to ensure they always come out on top. They are the worst kind of scum. So how can you stop something like this happening again? Don't be the minority. Minorities around the world in Western nations where false notions of 'justice' seem to be the norm, should just keep having children. Just outbreed the 'native' population, just as they did to the indigenous members of the land who they stole. It is karma. Soon, over time you will be the majority, and through a sheer numbers game you can get into positions of power and the balance of things will slowly turn. It's the only way.
Ok I've got work to do today so I'm going to have to keep coming back to things.
Didn't really get to play a lot of guitar on the weekend. Despite being home the entire time, I didn't play at all on Friday or Saturday. Played a little bit last night, but certainly nowhere near enough.
Well that was strange, all of a sudden had a huge influx of work out of nowhere! Didn't even get to do what I wanted! But that's cool, I'll have stuff to do this afternoon.
Alright, got an hour to go before I can get out of hereeeeee! Yeah! But I should leave it here so I can get some work done.
But I have been awesome, and I've updated the Joaquin Rate List (JRL), which can be found HERE. Remember, it's a list of all the women I consider attractive. This latest update is so big, it's a two parter, so I'll put in more details later, and I'll let you know.
Take care.
Joaquin out.