I'm feeling worse today than I did yesterday. Sleeping was a bitch, probably because it was so cold. But I still struggled on and made it to the gym this morning. Weights were a pain, and I'm feeling a lot of muscle fatigue, not to mention how chopped up my hands are. They're all red and rubbed raw from the weights. That doesn't matter though, it doesn't really impact my playing. Got in some decent time with the 6 string last night which I'm very happy about. Playing very crisply. But I'd still like more time to just playyyyy. Jam and learn more of my own stuff. My memory has gotten a lot better, but there are still some gaps that need to be worked on. Too many chords in my songs, that's the problem!
I'm very keen to see Pacific Rim. It looks like a film that's right up my alley. But I've got no time after work. Soooo that brings up the question, should I skive from work to go and see it? I've never seen a film by myself, is it too late to start now? It's also 2 and a half hours away from my desk, could I get away with it?? Hmmm very seriously contemplating it, since it just came out today. But the problem is that I'm still sleepy. What if I fall asleep in the film? That's very bad.
Ahh, there are just too many hypocrites. It's all a wonder how any of this could still be happening. What's going on with my body? I'm just getting older, everything is sore and I'm just tired all the time. Get me a bed and let me just sleep for two days straight with no goddamn interruptions. Is that too much to ask? I've also instigated operation minimise tumblr. I've booked up a lot of things in my queue and then after that I'm just going to stick with reblogging things. No need for any more original content. No big deal. Focus on this, cause this is what I love!
Yes, I'll make the effort to get some work done today. I did a fair bit yesterday, but I'll aim to get more done today.
One important lesson: don't laugh your ass off when the holy man is speaking. Hahaha, oh man I remember a long time ago Mish, his bro and I were at some house and some guy was going on a rant and then was talking about breastfeeding and accompanied it with suckling noises. Mish and I both lost our shit and we laughed hysterically in a room full of conservative types. I couldn't help it. Not my fault, it was hilarious! Mish's bro kept a straight face, and to this day I'll never know how he managed to do so. I have actually run into Mish a few times over the past few weeks. That's pretty random! But I've always been busy or on the phone so I haven't been able to stop and chat. But then again, that punk borrowed my Need For Speed 2 on Playstation - which was a gift from my grandmother, and he never returned it! Dude, it's been like 15 years!!! Not cool! No time for you!
Ran into Rossco the other day in the lift. It was comedy gold to see the blood run from his face when he saw me. Hahaha I'm glad you got uncomfortable!! Punk bitch.
Hmmm, what is there to blog about today? Let's touch upon the Trayvon Martin case. It is hard to ignore the racial overtones of the matter, but I'm going to try just that. What I don't get is that people seem to think it's ok to pursue someone who had done nothing wrong and then get into an altercation to kill them? It doesn't matter if Martin was the aggressor, Zimmerman obviously provoked him by chasing him down and accusing him of something. That's just not right, and Zimmerman should be punished for that. Whether it was cold blooded murder or something like that is another point entirely.
May need to finish early today. But it's still going to be a long day. I'm in the mood for sushi for some reason. Haven't had it in a while. That and rice paper rolls, or pho! Mmmm, delish! Just sitting here typing away aimlessly on my work. Man I really dislike it when people say to get something done urgently. That I don't mind so much - people having their doors shut and busy with other things when you've finished the 'urgent' work is what pisses me off! Because it makes it look like you're the one holding the ball!! Blah!
Ever since I have started using more of Instagram, I've really noticed a massive number of teen girls who like to post selfies. Some of the time they're innocent enough, but I've really gotta say that most of the time they're not. There's always an undercurrent of something else, whether it's skimpy clothing, or revealing angles and what not, it's all a bit much. Don't get me wrong, guys do it too, but usually to just show off. Girls seem to be chasing 'likes' and the more the better. The skimpier outfits get the most likes, and it's all really grose. How can self esteem by tied to the number of likes you get for a photo? It says nothing about you. It speaks more about the vacuous nature of artificial friendships. But I've also noticed that girls tend to obsessively check facebook and instagram numerous times a day and don't really focus on stories unless they're tagged. They look at photos. Photos of other girls to conduct their same judgement activities and it's utterly fascinating to watch. Just watch how they scroll through their feeds and look at where they tend to hover the most over - it'll be pictures of other girls. A judgement call is made, a review of likes is made. On to the next one. Yeah 21st century new wave feminism kicks ass, doesn't it?
Alright, I'd better keep it there for now. More tomorrow!
Joaquin out.