I'm a little bit of a defeatist lately. I discovered some guy I went to Journalism school with, Andrew Bucklow, has sunk to depressing lows. When we were in University, his stuff was really good, thought provoking, good student journalism really. He was the only one out there doing some pretty hard hitting stories, while the rest of our stuff was just pedestrian. But now I see that he is writing celebity gossip and entertainment 'news' for news.com.au and it is awful. He is the one who should have gone somewhere! That's a crying shame, and it is indicative of our Journalism school. Camden was right, they turned us into a bunch of tabloid spewing unthinkers. That right there is the death of thought.
I don't know why rich conservatives are so against illegal immigrants coming in and working for very cheap. In a capitalist democracy, it makes sense that the free market will reward jobs to those who are willing to work for less money. People like that cannot get rich unless they are saving on costs somewhere down the line. So they only have themselves to blame in the end. The system is set up to allow that sort of behaviour to happen. If you're really against it, then denounce capitalism and start paying domestic workers a higher working wage. The cost of living is killing most people, and it's all about companies gouging people in the wallet, all to please their shareholders who are other companies. I wonder what would happen if we outlawed Superannuation funds so that they didn't wield so much influence in the investment sphere? Would things become fairer for everyday people?
I'm tired, oh so tired. I could just sleep for eternity. Somewhere along the way, my youthful optimism died. World weary and full of cautious dread. Man I want to just take the day off and just sit in a music shop and audition some guitars. That would be pretty sweet. I'm looking for some signature tone. Blergh, it's only 11am!! What the hell am I supposed to do with the rest of my time?! I just want to be home and asleep, but it's not like I can enjoy my holiday either. Always at the beck and call of others, that's my life.
Ahh now things make a smidgen more sense. Only a tiny bit though. It's all a bit by bit thing. Day by day.
I don't think I have anything to add today. I'm not feeling well. Can I go home already? Well no, not for at least 5 hours more.
There is a disturbing truth about the Juris Doctorate program compared to standard LLB degrees. If you want to work internationally, most places will prefer that you have a JD component, but the fact is they do less work and are less trained about legal concepts than standard lawyers. So why waste your time with a law degree when more employers are concerned about JDs? It makes no sense! I could have just done an easy degree then slotted into JD and then finished that in my regular time and I'd have more qualifications! That's a load of crap really. Why would anyone bother??
The future is uncertain. That's the only guarantee. It's a big big world out there. I want to make my mark. On it. On you.
There's nothing to speak of, there's nothing to think of really. Just keep plodding on and rolling on and hope one day it just stops and I won't mind. Okay, I'm giving myself some research tasks for the weekend. I shouldn't even be here. This is all just a terrible mistake.
Joaquin out.