Are we really just glorified monkeys? Opposable thumbs, some tools, a
diet change and here we are? I wonder what our next step of (d)evolution
will look like. Doesn't matter, I won't be around to see it anyway, and
neither will you. If we are really just animals and there's nothing
special about us, then how tragic of the human condition to invent our own
uniqueness. To invent feelings and emotions. To potentially invent
God. Wow. The concept of the self as distinct from instinct.
How horrible that the brain can come up with those things? It's what
paralyzes us. It's what keeps us awake at night. Why would the
human condition invent itself a world of fantasy? I guess even delusion
is better than reality. Our own brain is our own worst enemy. We
are seeking truth and understanding in an empty world.
Did you all enjoy the JRL update yesterday? Haha I know I did. But
after that, I'm thinking there probably won't be an update for a while. I
mean come on, how many more names can be added? But I'll keep a
lookout. Things are incredibly busy, and I'm going to have to put in some
long hours over the next month to get on top of things, but there's no sign of
it letting up. Still 3 hours to go! Arghhhh! It's been a
productive day though, I'll give you that.
More time tomorrow, we'll see.
Joaquin out.