Saturday, April 05, 2014

Bottled Skin, Thinking Is A Sin

What do you do when you're over it?  You've simply had enough and you just want to throw in the towel?  There's no will to do anything anymore.  Look at yourself.  Just look in the mirror.  One day you're going to wake up and see the lines on your face growing.  The glory of youth is leaving you.  You have one foot in the grave already.  You will be dead.  Your friends will be dead.  Everyone you know will be dead.  That is the illusion of life - that you are immortal, that you are invincible.  You are every bit as vulnerable as everything else.  Why is there even a survival reflex?  Seems a bit greedy if you ask me.  Everything in mankind's existence is a terrible folly.  There are no real accomplishments here.  We are held together by the flimsiest of strands. 

Onwards and forwards, the fallacy of progress sounds loud in your ears when the only real outcome is death.  Death and nothingness.  What a cruel joke.  Life is the cruellest of all states, because none of us get to share it equally.  We don't all have great experiences.  We have to force ourselves to create happiness.  Often at other people's expense.  There is no fairness in it.  All of life is decided on the throw of a dice.  That's sad, that's just tragic.  The bird eats the spider.  We are irrelevant.  This planet is irrelevant.  This whole universe is irrelevant.  And guess what?  So are you.

Joaquin out.
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