I have the weirdest dreams. Do you ever have the sort where something awesome and exciting is going to happen, but then you get bogged down in doing mundane and boring things?! Haha and you're aware enough to go "hey wait a minute, we're meant to be doing something fun!" but it never happens! Wonder what that says about my subconscious. Wow, if only heaven was our dreams.
All societies rise to fall. Even what we westerners refer to as third world countries once had thriving dynasties and flourished at some point in history. Now look at them. The same thing is bound to happen to the West. That's just the cycle of rise and fall. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. Death is part of life. It's the price we pay for existence. But when you consider what happens after death from a non spiritual standpoint, death really is all around us. We are buried or cremated and become part of the biosphere again. Worms eat us, we rot and decompose and become part of the atmosphere and the soil, the ocean. After spending our lives consuming, we are the ones who get consumed in the end. And parts of us slowly find ourselves becoming part of other things. Bricks, building material. Cars. Look around you, I'm sure there are actual remnants of dead people all around us! Isn't that creepy? I'm not talking about altered states of matter - because that is scientifically accurate, but it takes on metaphysical properties.
What I'm really interested about is 3D printing. For those not in the know, 3D printing is a technique where you can actually print designs or plans out in physical, three dimensional formats. Isn't that crazy?! We've really moved on! At the moment, the cost of materials and printers are a little prohibitive, but there are companies working on lowering the cost so that it's more accessible to those at home. But think of a world where we are no longer slaves to corporate bullying and having products shoved down our throats anymore! People can create what they want, what they need. That'll be an interesting thing. I really hope it takes off and hits the mainstream soon, cause I want to see what happens.
What concerns me about the minimum wage in America is that it's so low. How can people be expected to survive? It would be ok if things like property and what not were lower, but looking at American houses, they're pretty much on par with Australia, which are vastly overpriced for what you get, especially compared to several years ago. Just a few years ago, things were half the price! It's sort of offset a little by lower food costs, but that's generally for food that's going to kill you soon. A lot of the rich just wish the poor would just get better jobs and be better educated, but that's so ridiculous. This gulf between us will get forever larger. The problem is that the poor are really struggling. A lot are working multiple jobs just to get by. They're overqualified for what they do, but they keep getting pushed down. But the system is set up so that some people have to be poor to support the rich. They have to work cheap. It's a system that has inequity built into it. Nobody can start at the top. They have to suffer and toil for some time - it's expected, and I don't agree with that. A huge problem is the middle class. They want nothing to do with the lower class, and they want to emulate the upper class. That's no way to go on. This division is what's tearing us apart. Unless the middle and lower class can unite, there is no hope of overthrowing the blatant profiteering and greed and fascism of the upper class. Mark my words.
So we've just signed a free trade agreement with Japan. That's good for all parties, hopefully. I'm looking forward to hopefully cheaper Japanese cars. But knowing how people operate, I'm certain that prices will be lowered at some point, but then someone at either end will start gouging so that they can charge the same as they always did, or even more and blame it on some reason that doesn't exist, so they're really making a profit on the same goods.
Well I've got a myriad of things to do today, so might need to focus on that for a while. What a wonderful state of perpetual hate we live in. I have my day sorted. Just gotta live it now. I just want to go home and read, ahhh! I'm just so disillusioned with everything in my life. You name it, I'm disillusioned with it!
I think an issue with mainstream society not being vocal about progressive subjects such as minority rights (refugees, racially diverse and homosexuals) is because those who support it are afraid of being criticised. While the bogan uneducated majority are all too vocal about their hatred and misinformed views, others remain silent. They don't want to have to march to have their views heard, they don't want to be identified by the public. I call this phenomenon mainstream malaise. And why are there so many voices of dissent? It's because life is moving too fast for them. Conservatism relies on the status quo and that any change will most likely be bad (when it most likely won't be). This paranoia has seeped into the minds of idiots, and it's what keeps conservative governments in power. Ditto adding in that you can't criticise goverment or stupid policies, lest you be branded a traitor or unpatriotic. This is also why change is so gradual. Universal suffrage only happened a comparatively little time ago, same with race laws. I mean those happened within the space of a lifetime ago! Not even a full one! It's hard for society to say we need more rights for minorities and others because everything seems to be happening at once for these morons. And the problem with that is that you come up against stiff opposition, and you may even face a backlash. Same sex marriage is now regarded as the "gay agenda" and what not. And how will people understand? We need to find a way to accelerate people's shift in attitudes so that we can all start being a bit more open minded and progressive. Everyone is happier. You can't blame problems on society changing. That's just ridiculous.
Ok I have plenty of other stuff to do so I'm gonna have to end this here.
Joaquin out.