Monday, June 17, 2013

What You Have This Week

Will be the most you ever have.  What if I told you that?  How would you react?  Would you adjust your life accordingly?  Would you measure your success on that?  I don't just mean it in the superficial sense, but I mean holistically.  This week would be the best you would ever be, and you could never ever claim it back?  Haha I bet there's a whole movie plot right there.

I was reading an interesting point about a hospice volunteer who said that when people die, their relatives or next of kin tend to throw out their photos first of all.  I wonder why that is?  We place such great emphasis on memories and preserving them - for example, when fleeing a fire in your home, most people would say that would save their photo albums if they could only save one thing.  So why would they throw them out?  The hospice worker was saying you should notate photos, so that there's context, people are identified and locations and situations explained, so that meanings can be passed on.  In which case, there is more justification in keeping the photos.  But what I'm interested in is that people don't look at photos.  I remember when we had photo albums, we didn't we never ever looked at them.  And even going from proper cameras to digital, nobody ever looks at photos.  New technology means that people have the capacity to take more photos, and in doing so, take a lot of poor quality ones and don't even sort them. 

Goddamn it, I am tired and horny!  And as I've mentioned before, those two are the worst combination of things to be!

Mannnnnnnn it's already been a shitty week, and it's just started!  I can just tell it's going to get worse.

I've got nothing for today.  Sorry about that!

Joaquin out.
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