After that pointless diatribe, let's talk a bit about this whole car manufacturer issue. In Australia, Ford have already shut up production and they're done, and now Holden has requested that workers take a pay cut, or else they will cease to operate within Australia. Well people can't get upset about things like this. Why? Because this is the inevitable result of free market economics. The consumers chose foreign made vehicles which suit their budget, and are better made. When these car companies struggled, they accepted bailouts from the Government to keep them afloat, yet did not change their modes of business, and continued making the same ridiculously large, expensive vehicles. They deserved to fail, because they don't know what the consumer wants. So when people lose their jobs over stuff like that and you complain, you have no right - because you love rampant capitalism, baby. It's all just silly, really. And it's not just restricted to here, the same thing is happening in America to an even greater degree!
Social media has taken over my life with tumblr and instagram basically killing me because I follow too many damn people. Looking forward to a weekend of unfollowing mofos who post stacks of inane shit.
I'm exhausted and my legs still hurt, I don't know why they're taking so long to recover. Could it be the extreme cold at the moment? I don't know. I remember that I was ridiculously sick last year, so that time of the year is particularly hazy. Hopefully all will be well tomorrow.
Got into some grand scale guitar last night and it was spectacular! Even with my monster claw like nails, I was still able to play well, and I even got a new track in the bag, with a chord progression I'm really proud of, as bits of it relate to a progression I kept hearing, but for the life of me I could never figure out the proper chord sequence. But I'll cut my nails this weekend, and I'll be playing like a champion! Was also playing my older stuff very well. I'll make it a point to start playing earlier tonight, so I have more time to play. Getting to sleep earlier is also making it easier for me to get up. Instead of sleeping at 11:40, I'm now sleeping at 11:15-11:20 and it's making a world of difference.
Remember, you just need to be smarter than most people, not everyone. That makes all the difference.
Ok, I'm going to leave it there for now.
Joaquin out.