Getting back into the swing of things with guitar, which is good, but I need some new ideas! Should start getting back into theory on that point.
What I really love is all these right wing and conservative idiots who keep harping on about how they hate the 'gay agenda' being shoved down their throats all the time, with the media reporting on stories of LBGT interest and what not. It's a matter of equality, and it has to be recognised. It hurts nobody! Don't start on this whole thing about how it defeats the purpose of marriage and the fabric of society will crumble as a result! Or that you feel uncomfortable having to explain homosexuality to your kids. Enough! Your kids don't get a crap (they're much more resilient than you think), and you only dislike it because you're making it your business to impact you. The world won't be destroyed overnight by recognising gay marriage or anything like that. What I find utterly hilarious (and hypocritical) is that these are the same people who are so blase about things like racism and sexism because they laugh off those sort of jokes and tell people to harden up and to stop being so politically correct when people take offence. Yet they take offence to the 'gay agenda' and refuse to harden up and what not! What a bunch of douchebags!
Oh mannnn, I have a fair bit of work that I just HAVE to get through, but I don't feel like doing anything. Hmmmmm, dillemma! Ahh my knees are severely fucked! This morning's gym session was harder than it usually is. I don't know why. I don't know what's going on, but I think it's just a peril of just getting older
Alright, I'm just going to write a little bit more and then I'll get back to work. I found it hilarious that some feminist blog (I forgot which one) applauded Kim Kardashian's answer when asked as to why she filmed her now infamous sex tape with Ray-J. She answered "I was horny and felt like it". Fair enough, but the blog went on to say that she had become a feminist icon for taking charge of her sexuality and not being subject to 'slut shaming' and what not. Excuse me, but I think the last person you want to have as a champion of your cause is Kim Kardashian. Everything she does is ruled by fame and money. She knew from the start she could make money from the tape, as Paris Hilton had also from her earlier sex tape. Positive comparisons like this only serve to hurt the feminist cause.
Shite! Hit the 3pm crash. How am I going to make it until I get out of here? Can't really do work because I'm starting to feel a little bit out of it.
What a lost week. None of this feels right. Let me just stay in bed and not deal with anything. Perhaps routine is the only thing keeping me from apathetic depression? None of this is really happening. It's all just simulated reality. And here I find myself, just procrastinating the day away. Hmm I could do with a change. Hell, I made my own change, and through no fault of my own (or is it...?) I am unable to have my change. What of promises, what of obligations? What of responsibility? No wonder, just no wonder.
Goddamn, it's getting harder and harder each day to make it through to 7:30pm without falling asleep. I'm getting old :(
Anyway, I'd better stop there. I've done no work this afternoon, and it's less than hour to go before I need to get out of here! Haha, not good!! The light certainly died over this past hour.
Joaquin out.