Thursday, June 20, 2013

Awkward Happenings

And how to account for them.  Well you can't, really!  So there's half a game plan, but as game 6 of the Heat Spurs final showed, it's not over until it's over!  I wish I could have watched the game, it sounded exciting on paper.  Hopefully game 7 will be just as dramatic.  It's been a while since I've followed the NBA.

Thinking about it the other day, and realised that realised that I have no real friends. Well I have friends, and good ones too.  But not a real close friend that I trust with everything, or that I can freely depend on.  But when we get down to it, does anyone really have that sort of relationship with anyone?  I don't know.  Maybe it's all just an illusion as to how we conduct our lives, or how we're expected to conduct it.

There was a bit of an uproar a little while ago about a Cheerios ad in the United States.  For those that don't know, Cheerios is a pretty crappy cereal that's heavy on the sugar.  Big among kids and fat adults.  Go check the ad out here (LINK HERE).  What did you think?  I thought it was very cute.  But there was a massive uproar on youtube from a bunch of absolute idiots saying the ad was wrong because it presented an interracial couple (the man was black, and the woman white - not that it even matters).  People were saying they were sick of seeing interracial couples on tv, and that it's the start of a massive racial genocide against the white race, or to marginalise them.  The comments became so racist and overwhelming, the company had to close down all comments on youtube for the ad and then go into PR mode.  What the hell?!  It's just a cute ad!  It's the 21st century, and there are more interracial couples around - it's a slice of real life.  What about bi-racial kids who don't see people who look like them on tv?  I saw some of the reports on Yahoo and I was hopeful about the comments and that people will call out racist behaviour.  How wrong I was!  Yahoo news (especially the comments) is the toilet of the internet.  It's where the scum of society get together to unleash their hatred and vitriol against everyone else.  Essentially the comments were abusing the little girl in the ad, and basically agreeing with racist notions against the ad.  How disappointing.  The worst comments were the ones that had likes well into the thousands.  Ahh the internet, what anonymity will allow people to express.  You sick bastards.  Haha, then again, with Prism, I'm sure the American government knows exactly who you are, and what your thoughts are. 

If the internet was not anonymous, things would be much nicer.  Sure, I probably wouldn't blog anymore, but I think that's a small price to pay.  Though I know google knows who I am!

Had a weird night last night - there wasn't any time for proper guitaring.  And on top of that, I felt really sick just before bed time, to the point where I am still not feeling 100% now.  Blergh.  I should just stay home.

But hey, the end of the week is fast approaching!  It's still not over yet, though!  Gotta slog through it.

It sorta felt like my world was ending, you know?  And I guess for the characters in that film, it did.  And I was going through the same thing.

Everyone is driving Hyundai Velosters these days!  What a world.

Anyway, I've had enough for now.  I've got a lot to do tonight.

Joaquin out.
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