Monday, October 15, 2012

Hi Joe!

Well I don't know any Joe's so this is just a random title, as per usual.

In case I didn't get the message across before, I was out of town this weekend, so had nothing to blog about, not that I usually do anyway!

Just having the worst luck trying to sleep properly. It's all broken and anxious, I cannot sleep. I CAN'T GET NO SLEEP. Not quite insomnia because I can sleep a little, just the quality is horrible, and I feel much worse in the mornings than I did before sleep.

I don't understand people who vote or lean to the conservative side of things. I've commented on this before, it makes no sense. Conservative values holds back society. The best features of humanity are apparent when we progress, when we experiment. Conservative politics is an arena for the paranoid, hate filled and downright stains on the community. Which makes me surprised when I read about educated people who have had a life long interest in conservatism. Whenever conservative governments get into power, I always think to myself "Oh looks like society is too scared to move forward for now".

It really makes me uncomfortable when people talk to me and start touching their face. I always wonder whether they are trying to point out whether I have something on my face, are they doing it on a subconscious level, or are they just itchy? If there's something on my face, let me know! Just tell me! Or if you have something on your face, take care of it before you talk to me!

Anyway, that's it for now.

Joaquin out.
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