Friday, April 20, 2012

Opening Gambit

Isn't the evolution of civilisation a very interesting thing? You think about where we were just a few hundred years ago, and where we are now, and it just appears like we've reached the 'ratchet' point of how society develops. We're developing so fast, with the vast majority of it happening relatively recently (compared to how long humans have been around). I mean, even from the 1980's to now, things have changed drastically. Society is just changing so rapidly that it's almost hard to recognise it, because if you don't engage, it leaves you behind. Then I think to myself, I wonder why I exist now, at this point in time. I want to see the future, just to observe it, not even to be part of it. What happens to us? Surely people who lived thousands of years ago believed they were living in the epoch of human knowledge and endeavour, but I know there's so much more we can do from here. I'd like to see it all, just to see, not to interfere.

So I finally got my new comp, but I'm looking at it in the box and I don't really know if I can be bothered to take it out! There's so much crap in there. But I suppose I'll have to, just cause I'm taking my current comp to my folks place tomorrow to set it up. Hope they're happy with it. But I know for my next PC I'm definitely just going to order parts and build it myself, just to see what it's like.

I saw an interesting graphic on tumblr yesterday, I think it was through shortformblog which explained that people (namely idiots aka conservatives) have problems distinguishing between immigration and illegal immigration. In their eyes, all immigration is illegal. That is absolutely stupid. People who think like that should be strung up by the genitals and eviscerated. Everyone is an immigrant to some extent. You can't just arbitrarily put a line in the sand and then say anyone else who comes is illegal. It wreaks of greed and entitlement.

I don't know if I blogged about it before, but I was inspired about an article I read about a gay asian man who had an issue about a lot of gay guys having a discrimintary attitude towards gay men, due to a perceived lack of masculinity. He then asked whether such thing was racist, or whether it's just a personal preference thing, since you can't control who you are sexually attracted to. I thought this was an incredibly interesting article - of course transposing it to a heterosexual setting. I'd be inclined to think that sexual preference for a race is racist. Let's take this a step further. People are attracted to things - eyes, breasts, legs, whatever you will. People of all races have these things! Ok, let's say I like busty women. Asian women are stereotypically regarded as being slightly built, but that's complete bullshit. You can get different body structures across all races. I've seen stacks of busty asian women. Therefore, if you are inclined to say "oh I like long legs, but I don't find african women attractive" then I'd say that's pretty racist, because you can get tall african women. The inverse is also true, if you would say something along the lines of 'I like brown eyes, but I am not sexually attracted to white people' then you are foolish. You can of course get brown eyes across caucasian people. I'd say that if you aren't attracted to all races, then you are racist. It's not a question of personal preference, it's a question of what society has told us is attractive, and made us believe that's what we want. Speaking from a biological standpoint, you should be attracted to all races! The only question is whether the person is a gender that you can mate with. If not, there's something very wrong with your psyche, and you could be a latent racist (the worst kind). Then again, what about the counter-argument - people are gay because they are born that way. I agree with that assessment, so are some people just born not to find certain races sexually attractive? I think it can be distinguished on the basis that race and gender are separate things. Gender is primary to your sexuality, whereas race is not.

I recall that game of chess. Haha, we were both naked and in my bed and decided to play a match. I was winning comfortably, but as end game neared, I made mistake upon mistake. I lost pieces without thinking about my move, you countered so well. We ended up drawing. It annoyed me and it intrigued me. I'm a beginner, but until that point, I had yet to draw a match or lose one. You played well.

Joaquin out.
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