Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Existence Is Futile

Post-modern existentialist borg?  Hahaha, I'd like to see that.  Maybe they had the right idea.

Isn't the human body such an amazing thing?  I mean it can take so much punishment, yet at the same time it's so fragile.  I mean childbirth is so traumatic, shouldn't infant mortality be much higher than it is, considering the stress that babies undergo?  Not just that, the stress on the mother, wow, goddamn.  Instant respect for any woman who has had to endure that.  How do bodies maintain themselves so well?  I mean if you take a dump, shouldn't that have just ruined your entire digestive system?  No, you are good to go for another one, whenever you need to.  Evolution, it's a funny thing!  Speaking of human bodies, mine is in a great deal of pain after this morning's gym session!  Ahh, but it's worth it.  Keeps everything in working order. 

Last night was incredibly productive in terms of chores and guitar.  Added more harmonies to the other's guitar parts and tabbed them in dropbox.  Also decided to delete a few of the older unfinished ideas, and incorporated them into new songs.  I ended up putting 3 ideas into this one song, and it's a complex, pop/acoustic masterpiece if I do say so myself.  Great chords, suspended 6th chords, yet great melody and it's just sheer brilliance.  Need to get the other to hear it at some point.

Another busy day at work, which isn't bad.  But I'm still unfulfilled.  This isn't what I want to do.  You know what I want to do.  It was at that point I should have known better.  Do you love how I keep changing the tense and point of narrative in my posts?  Hahaha, you never know quite what I'm on about!

Wow and it really was a busy day!  This is all I've got to show for it blogging wise?  Doesn't matter.  Tomorrow is a holiday and Friday shall be lazy.

Joaquin out.
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