Thursday, December 19, 2013

What Is Human Nature?

I mean, what is it really at its core? Is there a shared experience? Or is the only thing that keeps it uniform the idea that it's all down to the individual? What are we at our core? Ruled by instinct or desire? Nature? Is there free will? Or is everything really pre-determined? If that's the case, doesn't that take the element of whether we're good or bad out of the equation? But that also means any praise or punishment is already pre-ordained. But if you were going to rebel against that sort of system, doesn't that also mean you were always going to do that?

What I don't get is social media sites e-mailing you to let you know that there have been new posts. Of course there has, it's social media, it never stops!! It's just pointless to e-mail people!! Stop doing it.

Ahh, it seems like it's just going to be one of those days. I have a bit of work to do, but I have no motivation. At least it's Thursday and I get paid. I'll get to it later on in the day. It's meant to be hot outside, but I'm spending all my time indoors today in lovely air-conditioned comfort thank you. It's funny, in order to stay out of the sun we have all these things that cause CFCs that get released into the environment and cause even more global warming, hence we need to use even more energy to stay cool. What I don't like is idiots who claim in winter (because it gets colder than normal) that global warming doesn't exist. It should be more accurately described as climate change. Because we are getting hotter temperatures and colder temperatures when they're expected, and at times when it's unexpected.

Things are definitely looking up guitar wise. I keep consolidating ideas to expand scant concepts and create a fuller song. One my favourite tracks has all these fantastic chords and melodies, and I finally added a bridge to it. I'm very proud of myself. Gotta keep going with it!

What is it about creativity that gives things artistic merit? I mean divorcing that stuff from academic pursuits, are there infinite ideas out there? Can we as a society have ever created everything? Or is everything just a variation on a few ideas (mirroring the other's view that there's only 6 original ideas in Hollywood, and everything is just a variation on that)? I'm going to read tonight! Even if only for just a little bit. There's just so much about physics I don't know! Well science in general. I want to just sit out of life for a year and wrap my head around things in my own time. I want to understand the universe.

What's it like to see those sights again? What does it to you? It's almost like a reminiscing but in a negative sense. Like a bad memory. But I'm there, I'm there, aren't I? Silly TV. It's funny how tastes can change, even in a matter of moments. Maybe it's just me who is fickle. No, that can't be the case. Not as fickle as some.

The song keeps repeating in my head. These things can't be happening. It wipes away my existence. Because I willed it. I'm here, aren't I? But not where I should be, not where I need to be.

All life really is the product of atoms being aware of itself. Everything else isn't aware of what it is. They just are, they just exist. We are born and atoms come together to form us and we realise what we are. Then we die and we just exist again, as something else. We just don't know it. I'm just coming to all these revalations! But my laziness is a real killer. Ahh, 3 hours to go? I can do this!

Isn't it amazing when you think about the size and scale of things like the Earth in relation to the Milky Way galaxy, we all seem so small? And that's nuts, considering when you walk into a big field or a big house and you feel the same feeling. Are we relevant to the universe? Or can we only draw our own meaning and interpretation from our experiences?

Loss and impermenance. Why do we cry? Nothing stays the same. There is no static universe. Things are always in a state of flux. No matter how we try to cling on to something permanent, that can never be the case. But remember, if that's the case, even loss itself is impermanent. It's inevitable. What can you do? What can we do? There's nothing. And all this thinking, all this meditating is doing nothing to put my mind at ease. This friction, this tension has to stop at some point.

My back seriously hurts! Ahhhh! But at least it's just under an hour until I can get out of here. This has been a weird, metaphysical post. But I enjoy it. I've enjoyed the posts this year, actually. I think there's a lot more emotional content compared to the previous year, but they're required.

I'm done for the day. Le sigh, at least tomorrow is Friday.

Great. Now the Internet at home is having the same problem as before. Fuck you, Telstra. I hope all your staff are brutally murdered. This is bullshit.

Joaquin out.

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