Is this self-censorship? There's a lot of questions to be asked. Or maybe some are aware at the expense of others. Where's the freedom of thought in all of this? Many mysteries still remain. What is this time to be used for? It's unknown, and it's a microscosm of life. You either go for it or you don't. There's either a bunch of lies underneath all the intrigue because some things don't make sense. In the absence of further information, you can't draw accurate conclusions. And I feel like some things are far more difficult than others. What is the value of a hunch, a gut feeling?
Isn't it interesting how people fall out of touch with each other? I'm starting to think it's an inevitability of life. If that's the case, why bother with friendships? They are all transient, just like life. So essentially you're just making do with the people you have right in front of you. But you can't have deep relations then, everything becomes superficial. So what's the point? Am I on the cusp of the traditional 7 year roll over? As I've explained before, social groups tend to change every 7 years and your revolving door of friends tend to change. That shouldn't be the case if people really cared about friendships. And there's my point, people tend to value sexual relationships over other kinds of relationships, no matter how fulfilling they may be. And I guess that speaks volumes about who we are as people and as a society. But hey, you can't fight biology, right? These bonds used to mean something, but I guess it all changes in the face of time. The fourth dimension, making fools of us all. Why does it happen? Do people just change? Whatever.
So a US court has come out and bravely labelled this silly NSA phone tapping and data collection thing as unconstitutional. Well great, we always knew that. The issue is that through executive orders and the general state of panic and fear with American foreign policy and domestic terrorism policy is that they can subvert the laws. They don't care what the laws are. As long as they can justify that there is a perceived threat, no matter how unlikely, they will use their powers in an illegal fashion. They have shown the capacity to lie to congress, so do you think courts stepping up to call them out is going to stop them? Of course not, they will just continue on, and with probably even crazier things. What I don't understand is why Edward Snowden and the Guardian are drip feeding the leaks to us. They shouldn't piecemeal them, they should release everything in a batch, or have things out every single day. It would be much harder hitting, because at the moment it appears that everything seems second hand.
For the life of me, I'll never understand discrimination. Why do humans discriminate against each other on the basis of things like gender, race, religion, money, and so on? It makes no sense. It is clear that for a species to thrive, it has to work together in a concerted community type manner. But humans don't do that, they like to label and stay away from others they deem as not the same as them. And animals don't have animal created problems like poverty and what not that pose as obstacles to their survival! What I find deplorable is that people tend to view others who are different to them as less than human. They will watch scenes of war on tv and not care as long as it's in a foreign land and the victims look ethnic to them. But you show a picture of a starving dog and I assure you, the switch for the tv channel will be lit up with people wanting to adopt the dog and do everything to make sure it's ok. That's just not right.
I can't believe it's Wednesday. It feels like a Thursday. It's a busy day, that's for sure. In other exciting news, I believe I have some updates to make to the Joaquin Rate List (JRL)! Yes, the hotties just keep coming, and the list expands (and in other ways, names get deleted due to lack of infamy). For those not in the know, it was my attempt at trying to keep a definitive list of the ladies I find attractive in the public sphere. You can check out the list HERE. I think I'll try and give it an upgrade when I get a good late night free. I'll probably put up a pic next to each name to make people easier to identify.
Two hours to go until I'm out of here, and it's been a quick one.
I think I'm done for the day and I still got a lot more work to get through, so I'll end it here.
Joaquin out.