Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Drymouth & Bloodmouth Say Hi

So what's this? I slept well for a change, but of course the Tuesday blues hit me and now I am feeling incredibly tired. This is not good, considering I have work to do today. In fact I'll be busy for the next month or two. That's not good, considering I had things to do, but oh well. It's time to start living a bit more austere. I just want to make it to the end of the day and go home and not think about any of this stuff. On top of that, I haven't even touched my guitar in 2 days, I'm suffering from withdrawals.

As you may have gathered, I'm still without the internet. I'll be calling up today after work to get them to fix it as soon as possible. With that, I better get on to some work or else I'll be in trouble! I'd like to just take a day off and rest. Nothing more.

Well besides that, I don't think I have anything of merit to say. Yesterday was quite the bumper day, though. Hopefully it makes up for the remainder of my posts this week.

Ahhh I had stuff to post but I can't remember anymore. It doesn't matter, I have 90 minutes until I'm out of here and I have things to do.

These are all references I could do without. Arghh, just so tired I could fall asleep right here. Just out of it and unmotivated.

Oh God, it's only Tuesday...

Joaquin out.

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