Well it's interesting to be wrong, even on a hunch. I actually can't
recall when that's ever happened before. But I'm sure it won't be the
last time. So basically all we require is a little patience. Who
would have thought Axl Rose would have been right after all these years?
It's interesting. But it also makes things much harder, and I'm winding
up back at square one. Or am I? Sometimes I could just be
overthinking things and they aren't as difficult as I originally thought.
That mode of thinking requires world class genius, and I don't think I have
that. Or maybe even motivation or inspiration, and that's something I'm
definitely lacking right now.
Ahh there's just so much to read at the moment and catch up on. Is it an
exciting time? You tell me.
Things are going quite slowly because I have a lot on my plate work wise, so
you'll have to excuse the lack of meaty posts, but I'll work on that, I do have
stuff I'd like to blog about. At least things have been productive at
work. Getting a lot of crap done, which should hopefully free up most of
my Friday to get some good blogging out of the way.
I'll keep it there for now.
Joaquin out.