Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mistaken Trust Beggars Belief

They give people too much control and credit these days.  Is there anyone to count on?  When the times are good?  When the chips are down?  Someone to really have your back?  No, because everyone else is bound by something else.  And I just fell between the cracks.  And here I am, trying to discern whether what was said was real or just sarcasm.  I'm second guessing myself, and things aren't making sense.  At least until I can be sure.  But how can one be sure with no time on their hands?  It's simply time I don't have.  Maybe I'm just overthinking things, and actions speak louder than words.

The current conservative government in Australia (that was just recently elected - the one I rallied against in a fairly recent post) has floated thoughts of re-instituting their voluntary unionism policy at universities.  Now I hate the conservative government, that's a given.  In fact, I'm not that big of a fan of the left either, and I guess I'm even losing faith in 'democracy' because it doesn't exist in the real world.  But anyway, I'm a big fan of this policy.  When I was in university, we were charged about $200 per year to be part of the University's union, even if we did not use any of the services they provided.  Taking that choice away was a pain in the ass, and for students whose profit margins are so slim, losing money like that is just not a position to be in.  So to offer the CHOICE to join the university's union, it is a good thing.  Those who want to join can, and those who cannot afford to do so, or don't use the services can refrain.  If only they instituted the policy when I was in university!  $200 over 5 years, that's $1,000 that I no longer have!  Though I'm sure I blogged about this a long time ago.

Did I destroy someone?  Completely and utterly?  Myself, yes.  A shadow of what I was.  Are things permanently in place?  I continue to second guess myself, and I'm not sure of fact, as that distinct from fantasy.  These meaningless gestures.  There is no starting point.  It either is, or it isn't.  And to think, I thought there was nothing.  I was obviously wrong.  Play the same hand differently I suppose. 

Private vs public schools.  For our British friends, note that in Australia, public schools are the free, publically owned ones.  Private schools are the ones that charge fees, and are typically frequented by the 'wealthy elite'.  The issue is that within the past 20 or so years, both sides of government have dramatically increased funding to private schools - all types, religious and non religious schools.  This means that private schools can attract more qualified teachers through higher salaries and better conditions.  Public schools are overcrowded, with typical classes ranging up to the high 20's for every teacher.  That's a bit ridiculous, and the conditions are also very harsh.  More people are tending to send their kids to private school, sometimes to the detriment of their home lives, because these schools are expensive.  But here's the thing, people believe their kids can't have the right start in life unless they are well networked with rich elite people.  And this has a blatant case of middle class envy written all over it.  Going to a private school does not determine how well things will turn out for you in life.  You can be just as smart and successful if you go to a public school.  But parents don't realise that, and I really have great disdain for people who think that way.  I'm concerned because public schools tend to suffer through a lack of funding, while private schools tend to profit so well.  And for what?  For what?

I raise this topic because I had a debate with someone the other day.  In Australia you can get public schools that are single sex - well not in my city, but in other places.  This is a really crazy concept.  I think boys tend to performer better academically and socially in co-educational schools.  I've seen boys who have been separated from girls throughout their entire basic schooling lives, and they have failed to thrive because they can't function around women.  Interesting, cause I would have figured girls would be a distracting influence on guys on an academic level.  But apparently it forces them to compete.  And apparently girls tend to do better in single sex environments because they are not prone to the pressure to behave in heavily sexualised ways because of peer pressure or male expectations.  But if guys tend to do better in co-ed environments and girls do better in single sex environment, isn't there an incongruity here?  We are expecting girls at public schools to take the hit.  That makes no sense!  They can't thrive academically, but they become disposable tools to allow boys to perform better??  How strange.

Goddamn, no lunch today, so no walk to break up my day.  That means I'm feeling all my hours right now.  Still got 2 and a half hours to go until I'm done for the day.  At least tomorrow is Friday.  Got through the week and didn't blow my brains out (hahaha)! 

Looks like things are going to be very busy for the next few days at least.  But I'll do my best to blog whenever I get the chance.  Ahh, 3 day weekend.  I'm looking forward to doing nothing!  There's nothing tangible in any of this, is there?  What of this?  This lack of interaction.  Does it mean what it did before? 

So from a biological perspective, women are attracted to mates who can provide for them and offer protection.  These aren't real things.  It doesn't mean anything from a genetic passdown perspective either.  So do women like the artificial?  Because that lends credence to the silly Good Charlotte catch cry: girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money.  If it's not something real or defineable, then how can there be any happiness in that?  But let's turn that on its head.  Guys want a woman who is a viable mate with good genes.  That begs the question, why aren't women looking for the same thing?  At its worst, you can simplify men (at an animalistic level) to just wanting to procreate and move on to the next available woman.  So why aren't women focused on just landing a guy, getting pregnant and then ditching him?  It makes no sense. 

Wow, just looking at my task list and there's a lot on my plate.  But fon't fret.  I'll get it all done.  I always manage.  Wow, this has been long and ranty, hasn't it? 

Oh well, probably more of that to come tomorrow.  But where did this day go?  I've done work, but I can't exactly remember what?  I guess I'm getting into a daze lately.  Not good.  One thing's for sure, this definitely beats the hell out of my primary school diary! 

So how can we stop big brother?  With governments all around the world trying to one up citizens and convince them that any disobedience amounts to treason, how can you overcome the State prying further into people's lives?  I don't even know if it is possible anymore.  The optimist in me would like to think so, but every day it just seems so hard and it gets harder.  Something major has to happen for it to change, and I don't know what it is.  I'll never understand politicians and their advisers who think that this sort of behaviour is justified or legal.  They should be outed and shamed as the real traitors that they are.

But that's it for today folks.

Take care.

Joaquin out.
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