Saturday, January 12, 2013

You Were Saying?

This morning I saw some young mothers asleep on the bus with their children.  I was jealous, cause right now I'm on the verge of complete collapse.  Mental, physical, spiritual collapse.  It's all heading to a strange place. 

Barely surviving on little sleep.  It just feels like each day is getting way too short, and there's no time to get anything I want done.  But hey, I guess that's life, right?  You never get what you want.

Just heading to some disturbing realisations about my life here.  I document this here just so I can look back in hindsight and see if I was right.

Felt like writing a lot today, but as the fatigue takes over, I find I don't really have a lot to say. 

Sleep.  Sleeeeeep.  Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Only got a tiny bit of guitar playing done last night.  But even after an extended period away from our original stuff, I was able to remember chords and rhythms and progressions, so was suitably happy.

Near heart attack this morning.  It looked like Gmail had been blocked at work and I was scared that I wouldn't be able to send myself my blognotes.  But thankfully, it's up and running.

One thing I'm definitely not a fan of is the way google compiles all of this information on people across its products.  You can't use youtube properly unless you sign in with a google account.  People have gmail because it's a better system than hotmail.  We have been on blogger since before google bought it over, but now people require gmail accounts to access. 

Just shut up and play the riff, dude.

Ah fuck, Rossco is talking to me.  Not cool man.  You know what you did.  Don't pretend everything is ok.

Wow, I'm doing the same thing, aren't I?

Let's see if I can blog on the weekend.

Goddamn, it's been a busy afternoon.

Fuck, this is an unfinished post, I'm sorry.  I couldn't really give a shit right now.

Joaquin out.
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