Monday, January 07, 2013

Confused Mornings

And other periods of not knowing what exactly is going on.

Had a shocker playing guitar last night where basically everything I played sounded like shite.  It wasn't a matter of tuning, it was improvising, it all just sounded like a dog's breakfast.  Maybe I've just out of practice - or at least I hope!  Hope I'm not losing my touch.

A boring weekend really, didn't really get a lot done.  But hey, at least I blogged through blogger+ so you should all be happy.  Definitely worth the money I spent on it.

Got a keyboard (haha, not a broken one though), and am looking forward to learning how to play it at some point.  If I could play piano as well as I can play guitar, that would be a very good life indeed.

Things are going to be interesting, that's for sure.  Goddamn, I'm so hungry!  Mondays are such a killer, especially after crazy weekends. 

Probably shoulda spent a bit more time typing this up instead of reading crap!

Joaquin out.
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