Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What's It Worth?

Nothing.  Everything.

Sorry about the incredibly weird post yesterday.  As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted, I think I saw a crime being committed.  There was some junkie scumbag walking around with a screwdriver and putting it into people's car locks.  I was a little bit apprehensive to confront him lest he pull out a used needle on me or something.  So anyway I walk back to find some people to help me and these two bouncers just ignored me and told me to walk off and call the police.  I can't believe people are so blasé about crime.  That sort of attitude only leads to this sort of behaviour flourishing and going ignored.

Well I waited around for the guy to come back so I could get a better look at him, which he did, and he had some woman with him.  I again didn't confront them cause I was a little too shitscared (no point in trying to be a hero, right?).  But I passed by a fire station and let the people in there know, and they said they would alert the cops, so I'm happy to have done my part.  Wow, just wow.  Society is a fucked up place man.

Ok, resuming regular transmission now.

From here on in we play the waiting game, I suppose.  I mean could I be naive to assume it has something to do with me?  But here I am.  And yet there's still nothing.  No explanation, no justification.  Just a bunch of lies, stories and inexcusable behaviour.  It depends on my ability to count, I guess.  2 is easier than 3.  What's the nature of karma?  I recall the other having mentioned that when bad things happen, even worse things tend to spiral out from that, whereas good things only lead to marginally better things, and that does not occur all the time.  Maybe reality is just a series of random events.  That would be truly fucked up.  You know what you did, why even ask the question?  But still, a cavalcade of questions more to come, I suppose.

I watched the King of Kong yesterday.  Man I feel awful for Steve Wiebe.  Somebody give that guy a break!  I love his piano playing.  He also seems like a nice sweet guy.  What's happening to him is the epitome of what I think is wrong with America.  A good, honest hard working and talented guy who does not credit for what he does, while a massive empire works tirelessly to screw him over.

I'm going to try blogging over the entire day while I'm home.  Should be good for a larf.

It's gotten so hot lately that I've had to start sleeping with the fan on, which is always lovely.  I like the hum of it, it's soothing.  Haha I guess it's like being back in the womb?  Feeling good.  Hit the gym for some hardcore exercise, showered and feeling like a million bucks.  Looks like a storm is coming in though, it would cap off a beautiful day.

Now the question arises, what am I going to do with my day tomorrow?  Haven't figured anything out.  Well I'm going to watch a movie now, so hopefully more to blog about later.

I think caffeine is the worst drug in the history of the world.  Yes, alcohol is bad because it's so widely used and leads to so much trouble, but caffeine is so ingrained into western culture that people cannot function without it on most days.  I use it only when I need to, like when I have to be alert for an extended period, not just to do my work at work or just to be 'awake' to exist.  This I hate because I always fail to sleep properly.  So it's not just one day ruined, it's usually 2.

And hey, just like that it's raining!  Nice.  That's alright, I love it, and I have no major plans this evening, just to watch some more movies and relax.

So why delay?  Let's get to it!

Joaquin out.
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