I know what will do it. It's going to be a heart attack in my sleep. Well it will definitely be at night, I'm not sure as to whether it will be while I'm asleep. I can be hopeful. That way I can just be lost in my dreams forever. Maybe it'll be a good one for once? That's going to be lights out for me.
Got in a bit of guitar, and was happily able to add a new bit for a piece that has been driving me nuts for the past few weeks. It's an interesting piece, very understated, and unusual chords that go together very well. Yes, it helps that I cut my nails. I'm playing well. I just want more time for it.
What really gets me is the ridiculous prices we are paying for data usage in Australia, and for substandard service. So I'm paying about $45 per month for unlimited calls and texts, but only 2Gb of data, over 3G! And the coverage is pretty poor. That's ridiculous! And they count their data usage in very weird ways, that don't round properly. It hit me last month when I had to pay $10 extra for a gig more of usage, which just occurs automatically, even though I had 2 days left to run until it rolled over. How stupid! They could have just cut the data service, I would have been happier with that. But there's no flexibility with telecommunications in Australia. No wonder we are all languishing behind the rest of the world in terms of costs and speed. I see American and British friends making the most of LTE, with features in snapchat and instagram, and really enjoying it. And I can never reply, or load videos when I'm out and about, unless I'm on wifi. And that brings up another problem! Home internet is also set up in the same way. It's slow and expensive compared to the rest of the world, and we're getting ripped off. How can people really enjoy video streaming services like youtube and twitch to their full potential when you're going to go through your entire monthly quota in just a week, and then pay through the nose to access the service after that? There's no bandwidth to really support better ideas in Australia.
I really dislike bosses and management that panic. Nothing is ever that crazy to warrant outrageous and instant action. It's a sign of a bad workplace if you constantly have to stop what you're doing to work on urgent things. It's been a busy morning, that's for sure. I've got a fair bit to get done today, so I'll get on to it in a bit. But I suppose I'd better blog now, because I probably won't get a chance after Wednesday, for at least a whole week.
Some interesting news this morning about MH17, which was shot down in Europe. Apparently Germany has come out and said they believe the missile in question was Ukrainian in origin, and not Russian, or the Ukrainian rebels. So that leaves an interesting question in terms of responsibility, and this show of propaganda against Russia immediately after. They need to be more transparent with their investigations, because the public knows nothing right now. Where's the black box data, who is being investigated on the ground? Who is being interrogated? I guess we'll never know. Public perceptions are being formed without all the facts in question. Go figure.
I've been trying to think outside the box for a bit, just keeping the mind relaxed and flexible. Then the question creeps into mind, how do minorities find a way to create a balance of power? In a democratic country, I think it would make sense for minorities to band together and create voting blocs. If they moved to marginal seats and put in their own representatives, they could actually wield real power. They should monitor elections around the country, and move to areas about to vote and then have a real say. A minority of a few hundred thousand could become a significant force that way, as all the elected officials start to represent their interest. This is only magnified once you factor in the idea of minorities having children at a much faster rate than the majority of the population.
Getting somewhere here. But I suppose I'd better focus on work now. Yeah, I'm getting through it.
Where were you when you received crazy news? Let's see if I can do this in order. When Princess Diana died, I had just woken up and turned on the tv in my room (hahaha I don't even recall how much tv I ever watched in there), and saw she had been involved in an accident, via the mid morning news. Then later on in the day they announced she had died. September 11th 2001 was a school day. I remember the attacks occurred overnight, but I was already in bed. I think there were reports in the morning when I woke up, so I was aware by the time I went to school and everyone else was talking about it. The attitude on campus was quite morose, because we thought it may have been the end of the world. Everything was surreal and dreamlike. Then with the London Bombings, the other was over and we were playing video games/watching tv/watching movies from his computer, directly on to the television, and we would stop occasionally between these activities to switch the tv on to Live 8 or something. Then we were getting weird reports of explosions in London, and some CCTV footage of buses with no audio over it. Everything was eerie, and we only found out more later that day. Then the other one was Fukushima in 2011. I was overseas, I think in Malaysia, and the television just had footage of all these homes being swept away by the tsunami that happened after the earthquake. There was no audio again, everything was just insane, because there was no way to identify where this was, or to explain what was happening. That's the crazy thing, when it's not being explained, it's all the more ominous. I only found out more when we had gotten home.
Nobody is taking risks anymore, not even me. Though all of mine are calculated, or at least I hope! Okay, 90 minutes or so to go, better make this count!
Damn, this has been a productive day. I've been good. This has been a rest well earned.
Joaquin out.