Everything is a time saver. I have a fair bit to do today, but I will get to it. Probably won't be able to blog as plentifully as I have for the past two days. But it's nice to get back into a rhythm, it's good for the brain.
I really hate this time of year. We should be getting into warm weather, but it's raining, cold, windy, and even flooding in places. What's going on?! And don't say it's normal, because it's not. We've done irrepairable damage to the environment, and it's starting to catch up to us. Whoever denounces climate change is the enemy of humanity. On top of that, there's all this pollen and dust and debris just flying around everywhere! I could have sworn yesterday that there was ash just being blown around by the wind, like some post-apocalyptic nightmare or something. And it all keeps getting into my eyes! What's going on?! I'm getting bugs, dust, pollen, and they're all scratching and irritating my eyes, and it hurts! It's just painful.
I'm not liking this shea butter. It makes me smell strange and unfamiliar.
Dreams are getting weird. But at least I am dreaming? Some people just leave everything to the imagination. What concerns me most about adulthood is that there is absolutely no room for a decent amount of sleep. When you're a kid, you need anywhere between 12-10 hours of sleep, which gradually gets lower as you get older. But they say the minimum you need these days is 8 hours as an adult. But I find that laughable. It's just not possible to get 8 hours of sleep in a standard working day. Okay, 24 hours in a day. At best, you have 8 hours of work - if you're extremely lucky. Then say about 1 hour in total round trip for a commute. That's 15 hours remaining. Then let's take daily maintenance and getting ready (gym, showers, bathroom stuff, chores like dishes and what not), and that's 3-4 hours. So that's 11 hours left. Let's now subtract 2 hours for dinner and some television. That's 9 hours to go. Then you have personal admin and miscellaneous stuff, and that's another 2 hours there. 7 hours left - at best. And nobody falls asleep straight away. So basically that's 6-6.5 hours of sleep per night. That's the best most adults can hope to achieve, and that's not cool. The workforce would be so much more productive if we were able to sleep just a little bit more each night. It's not good, because this stuff all leads to premature ageing, increased stress, and a constant feeling of tiredness.
The idea has been floated around of reducing the working week to 4 days, or even 3 (according to Carlos Slim Helu), and just increasing working hours across those days. I think it's potentially workable, but the workforce can't stay employed up to 70, it's just not feasible. You're not the same person you were at 20, or even 50. As technology progresses and time changes, most blue - and even a lot of white collar jobs are going to be overtaken by outsourcing - not just to developing nations, but a lot of processes can be subsumed by technological processes. Why would you employ a factory of 100 workers, when you could install 30 robots and 10 technicians? That's much more productive and cheaper to run. So what is going to happen to the rest of the workforce as times change? Will the gap between rich and poor increase, as the poor struggle to find jobs they've all been made redundant for? It's just the owners of big business who thrive and profit.
Anything can happen. Absolutely anything. Okay, midweek. I can survive this! I just want to be in a place where I don't have anything on and I can focus on other stuff.
I didn't know how bad the ebola situation was, but apparently it's killed over 4,000 people. That is very, very high. Previous outbreaks tended not to break into the 3 digits, but this is something else entirely. It's like the opening part of World War Z, where the initial outbreak is being described. Very disturbing. I'm still miffed as to how the world is not doing anything as a joint community to combat it. Instead we get news articles saying everybody has it and that we're all going to die!
I'm calm but I'm overtired. I could do with some more time off. But at least I'm leaving early today! Just 3 hours 10 minutes...erghhhh. Well time takes everything away, even us, eventually.
Alright, 70 minutes to go! I can do this! Isn't it sad that most of my more recent posts have concerned counting down the time until I can get out of here? Well at least it's to get home and do other stuff, not so much about always waiting for the weekend, so that I'm wasting my life away. I'm sure I mentioned it before, but the whole notion of a modern life is sick. You are born, you go to school, learn things that mostly don't interest you, or aren't relevant to the real world, then you get ranked and graded against each other, so that you can achieve a piece of paper that enable you to get a job you don't like, so that you can spend the vast, vast majority of your prime years doing work, and not actually living life and enjoying the time you have, to then meet someone (sorry this is all a bit straight-centric), to spend your savings on a deposit for a house and have kids, forever being in debt to the bank, struggling from paycheck to paycheck, even if you're both working, doing it for the vast majority of your life, then to retire, when you're too old to actually spend your money and enjoy travelling, only to wile away the time until you die. That's just something that's sick.
And so it is what it is.
Joaquin out.