For everyone out there, I want you all to know, Australia is a fascist nation, and like most other Western nations, it has a tinge of racism in its undercurrent. It's very insidious and you can't dare point it out, or else you be totally dismissed, or quickly told that other nations are more racist, but that doesn't answer the question. That really irks me, the sheer denial and anger in the response, before returning to microaggressions.
What I need are people with skills. Maybe I mentioned earlier about the concept of having a town with barter skills. Instead of relying on the stupidity of having a stock trader in your midst, why not rely on having a teacher, or a carpenter, or people with real useful skills that could help look after the town? I've read about time banks operating in some US communities, and it seems to work. People are happier that they can contribute something tangible to their neighbours and their communities. Maybe it even brings people together, unlike what we have here in our current status quo.
I've really gotta come down on Apple. Ever since Jobs left the post, Tim Cook has just been awful. They need to overhaul their bug testing. Tim let the absolutely horrible Apple Maps thing through a few years ago (which still hasn't been resolved)! People still prefer Google Maps over the native app. And now this debacle over the Bendy iphone 6s and the bricking glitches of iOS 8.0.1! This is the problem, they're rushing to appease consumer and shareholder sentiment. Not to actually create the best product they possibly can. You can't just push stuff out in a cycle and expect things to go right. There's a sick culture in Apple, and this sort of thing should not be allowed to happen. To me it wreaks of a leadership that is ineffective, and middle management that is too scared to speak up. Apple should have released a statement as soon as these items were hitting the media.
I was reading an interesting article that half the water on Earth must have come from extra-terrestrial sources, and may be older than the Sun. Apparently, they can measure some sort of isotope drain and they realised that a large percentage of the water couldn't have originated from Earth. That raises some interesting questions for humanity, especially since life first spawned in the oceans. It makes no sense!
Looks like Friday is finally here and I'm looking forward to some time off. This week has pretty much been a write-off. Hahaha, in fact, I'm sure I'm gonna get to the end of this and it will be like "my life is a write-off". Except there's no accounting book to store the entries in, so you know, like, whatever! Just let this day be over already. I have nothing of value to add. None of this should be.
Wow, things have been busy at work, I was unprepared. But I'm getting by, I can deal with anything in my way. From high to low, just like that. It's a weird place to be.
For those of you not in the know, there were a number of raids the other day on people of middle eastern appearance in Australia. A lot of people complained that these were just show raids, given that the terror alert had just been raised to high, despite no concrete proof of plans to attack anyone. So out of the 18-20 people taken, only 2 have been charged! The media made a big deal about the raids, saying the threat was right in our backyards, and now the media is obviously quiet on what the outcome is. The trials aren't public, but the outcome usually is, but of course the media doesn't want to announce that they made a big deal out of nothing, or how inept the intelligence agencies are. Let's not even get into the whole concept of co-ercion and entrapment that are so prevalent in the American cases. I've already discussed that stuff.
Another thing about the media beat up, yesterday, a member of the Armed Forces claimed he was attacked outside his home by two men of middle eastern appearance. He made a complaint to the police and media made a huge deal about it, and the chief of the armed forces was forced to advise discretion to members of the military about wearing uniforms in public. Then today, it appears the whole thing may have been made up and the inquiry has been dropped. Ummm what? So the guy just made it up? Why isn't the media reporting on that? Yesterday's story probably hit 5 million people, yet the news of the withdrawal hasn't got anywhere near the same coverage. Let's say 25%. That means there's just over 3 million people who believe it was a real matter and that retaliation is in order. How irresponsible. I really wish the mainstream would get their news from reliable unbiased sources, because the current sources just lie and promote an agenda of hatred and intolerance.
Only 3:11? Damn what am I supposed to do with the rest of my day? The rest of my time?
I guess I can only guess.
Joaquin out.