Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bastions of Apprehension

Couldn't sleep, just far too anxious.  Why am I even doing this?  This doesn't make any sense to me.  In fact, it seems like a really dumb idea.  It's terrible to second guess every decision you ever made.  But perhaps it's safer to have a contrarian view of how you live your life?  Think about it, it's the George Costanza school of life.  If every decision you made is the wrong one, and you're not happy with your life, why wouldn't you just opt to do things in a completely different manner to what your gut instinct was? What's the worst that could happen?  Don't fear the red, chase the green instead.  But damn, I am still nervous.  It takes balls of steel to get through this crap.  Or chase the blue.  That's what it takes. 

I've read that apparently 3000 troops are being sent to West Africa to deal with the ever increasing ebola situation.  I don't think that's how it should be handled.  More doctors, not more troops!  That doesn't make sense.  I sense bad things are about to happen over there, and it's going to impact everyone widely.  But I guess we deserved it, since we're more preoccupied with other less pressing matters.

What I've really cottoned on to is the fact that renters have no rights.  I don't know what the breakdown is, but amongst younger people, due to the spiralling costs of home ownership, the majority are definitely renting.  But landlords are concerned with profits.  They just want you in, pay your money and get out, and churn you over without any real care.  But that's the mentality the government wants them to have.  Buy property, stimulate the economy and what not.  But people aren't happy as a result.  We're creating a society where people are expected to either buy dozens of properties and become housing czars, and charge through the nose for it, or else spend the majority of our lives renting.  It's not right.  There has to be a change at some point. 

Got into some fantastic guitar last night.  I feel inspired to play.  But inspired to create?  I don't know.  I don't think they're the same thing.  I haven't made anything new in a month or so, and that's far too long.  So long to my days of incredible productivity and innovation.  I go from a day of nice busy work to absolutely nothing now.  This isn't a great way to go.  And before, like the other faced 11:11 with uncertainty, I face the 11th hour with not enough. 

So we're making a move towards NFC and cashless payments.  I think that's incredibly risky.  My belief is that you should always pay with something tangible, that way you get an idea of the cash that's leaving you as you pay for things.  With NFC on phones and what not, you just flash your phone and you pay for things.  I've always had this concept that things should be represented in cash.  If you buy a $20 t-shirt, you should have a t-shirt that is made up of cash representing $20!  Wouldn't that be an interesting world?  I think fashion would die.  Nobody would care if you bought a $5,000 suit, because you would just have $5,000 dollar bills on you.  When you could have the same coverage and effect with something that costs $200.  People would be so careful with money management that way!  Haha, this all of course extends to non staples (so food and other consumables wouldn't count).  But things like what you'd spend your discretionary cash on. 

It's red, it's red, oh so much red!  It's nuts.  What I don't get is the battery churn on phones.  Battery life on mobile phones is reasonably good.  With limited usage, I used to get 2 days of use without having to charge my iPhone 4.  Now I'm hardly getting a full day with my 4S.  I understand that as you continually charge a phone (and the longer you leave it plugged in), the overall battery performance will suffer.  But why is that?  Normal rechargeable batteries don't behave like that.  They recharge back to their original performance and give that sort of life.  But phones don't, they continually get worse.  It doesn't make sense, because you're always charging it from an electrical current (I never use USB because the current differentials are never enough to keep the phone going). 

Lolwhut?  This is absolute lunacy.  I've gotta improve my outlook.  Belief is one thing.  But having something supported by facts is just better.  Gotta know when to cut your losses. 

Nothing is enjoyable anymore.  Now we get ready for the usual pain of rejection.

I'm done.

Joaquin out.
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