What do I have to say today? I'm all out of ideas and interesting things. Oh well. I want to just try and relax. Tim Cook of Apple recently made some excellent points about how places like Google and Facebook do business compared to Apple. Google and Facebook can offer products for free because they deal in your information and your private life and your privacy. They collect little databases about you and your behaviour and on-sell that to advertisers and can also just have it hacked from them by Security Agencies (or just given to them). Apple tends to charge a premium because they don't engage in the same level of craziness. I think that's alright, because what google and facebook do is pretty insidious, and nobody is talking about it. They're not transparent about their operations or the sort of business they do. Because are currently living in a world where privacy means a little less each day.
To survive in life you need to be adaptive, you need to be intelligent and cunning. And I think I really lack all three of those fundamental skills. So how am I even getting by? This is all just happenstance. This whole existence is a fluke. And I think that's really sad, don't you? I can't believe it's only Tuesday! This isn't right. It's not cool!
We are living in dark, dark times. Our government has finally come out and admitted that they are looking to restrict freedoms in the name of security. The two don't go hand in hand! They're using tactics of fear and intimidation to bully the public into thinking what they want. What worries me is that it's working! The average person on the street is an idiot. Didn't they see these tactics just 12 or so years ago when England, America and Australia lied to its citizens (and the rest of the world) to go to war under false pretences? Who is the enemy here? Chasing shadows that don't exist, while ignoring real problems going on in society.
There's just so much wrong in the world, and each day I am wondering whether it can ever be really fixed. I'm just in one of those moods. Those irksome ones. 2 hours to go, goshhhh. It's not going fast enough!!
Joaquin out.