Thursday, January 09, 2014

Painful Gains Or Losses?

At this point I'm not so sure which is which.  It all just hurts.  I've just rogered the base of my neck/top of my back.  All I was doing was sitting in my chair and it felt like someone had kicked me straight in the spine, but very slowly, like my back was being torqued out of position.  So I'm in a bit of pain at the moment, hoping it goes away after a good night's rest, which I still haven't had yet.  Maybe it's just muscle soreness.  At least I'm hoping it's not serious.  It would suck for me to be in my 30th year and just develop a whole load of health problems straight away.  What on Earth am I doing in my sleep?  I don't even know.  Probably sleep walking.  I'm just not sleeping enough.  Rest, I just need some rest.

Things are eerily calm at the moment, including me.  I wonder how that could even be.  This is turning into yesterday, but with back pain!  Been here for so many hours, still haven't done a single thing!  Ahh, need to change that!

Haha I am gradually getting things done though.  Arghh but I'm still so restless!

Bah this hurts too much I'm going home.

1200th post!  Not bad!

Joaquin out.
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