No, I'm not even starting from anywhere. Just not starting! Not in the race. Not even spectating. I was off somewhere else wasting my life.
I'm back home which means I can blog again, but today was quite a busy day, so maybe not much to talk about this time around. We'll see, though. Cause I've got an hour or so until I need to be done.
My trip was good, it's always good to get out of town for a while. I enjoyed movies and music and just generally flying.
So the questions have to be asked. And when the roll of the dice occurs, what of it? More opportunities? The chance to do all that which I could not do? People don't talk to me, and then they are just gone. Out of my life. What a strange turn of events. Is there anything more to say? Maybe, if all these ropes holding me down were gone. And what's your perception of time? Is an eternity measurable?
I'll guitar well tonight. I shall exercise and I will return to the gym tomorrow. And these dreams. Well that dream. How interesting. Is that what I want? If it is, then I'm ok with that.
If passion leads to purpose, then perhaps I will always be drifting. Because I don't know if I feel strongly about anything. I'm sure my mind can change at a moment's notice. I'm looking forward to 13 months, because that'll be the blog intro/retrospective. A special 10 year anniversary. It'll be grand, so mark it in your calendars now, haha! I'm sure you're all hanging out for that.
Just ordered some books from the book depository, because I want to see how quickly the books come. Not a full complement of things (because I have about $500) worth of stuff in my wishlist, but just enough (about $50) to get a decent order.
Maybe life is changing. And not all we guess to be true was right. Sometimes we are just so far off the mark, everything seems irrelevant. Well perhaps it's good for the soul to be wrong?
And the stories we tell to other people are nothing but trivialities. And time is just running on and on. But what I ask you is whether time should be recognised as the fourth dimension? I mean isn't it relative, and based on the observer? Therefore there is no objective measure of what it could be. But this is not a scientific argument, it's more of a philosophical one.
And there it goes, the last vestiges of my youth. Adulthood embraces me with cold hands. And in that cold embrace, my dreams are given up to die.
I read a really good quote on tumblr the other day that adults just live in a daze until they wait for disease or accidents to strike them down. How right that is. But I wonder why? Everyone is just so dead inside.
Anyhow, I'd better leave it there.
Joaquin out.