Nobody is going crazy. I think I'm on the long road to recovery, but I really need it to be sped up so that I can go off and travel. I'm off to Canada to visit a few friends. Looking forward to a warmer climate and just relaxing. Dont' think I have a lot on today, which is good because that means I can blog to my heart's desire. The bigger question is, what do I blog about?
Got some absolutely brilliant guitaring in last night, while just fiddling around. That's good, you know. When you're just jamming and mucking about and awesome things start to happen. That's how some of the best stuff happens. I'm really keen to go and visit the other and get some ideas fleshed out. Should also just record more stuff, but I gotta sort out my soundcard issues. Maybe they're all resolved now that I've connected my speakers properly. We'll see how that goes.
What concerns me in this day and age is that there is such a move from society to be dependent on technology. You're usually derided if you're not on social media and what not. But then you have things where places like Google and facebook, among others, give up your personal information to advertisers as well as the Government to mine your data for sales opportunities, and to determine if you have any information vital to national security. And it's all a bit much, you know? Like you're sort of being forced to give up your freedoms and right to privacy off the bat.
Then think about the way Western governments have been conducting themselves over recent times. Places like America and Britain used to be bastions of freedom (so long as you're not a minority), and now they actively undermine their citizens to continually promote the current status quo of power and riches for the very few. That's the thing, this particular model has to fail, because it does not allow anything superior to overcome it. It's a violent, self-serving thing. But yet, people are all too willing to give up these freedoms and rights. And what for? To hold on to their lives? And we have drifted forever closer to Orwell's 1984. It doesn't strike me as right. The Government has done such a first rate job of brainwashing/convincing people that to not think that way is unpatriotic. A government worth supporting is one that recognises that it can be wrong, and it should be challenged when this has proven to be the case. What really miffs me is that you would think the wider population has at least some semblance of common sense and that the Government is only fighting to ensure that only itself is protected. They want to be seen as doing the right thing without actually doing the right thing. It's more about expectations, not reality. Wouldn't the citizenry as a whole decry this and do something about it until the problem is fixed? Well you'd think so, but we are so intent on living bland, uninspired lives so that we can focus on buying more things we don't need to feel good about shallow things. Insert Fight Club speech here. Something is just not right with how we live as a nation. It's like a disease. I just wish I could be born well into the future, when hopefully all these modes of thinking will be irrelevant.
I want to just sleep. Or start over. And I can see it all happening. I think it's all a ruse, maybe even a trap. Sometimes you just have to remove yourself from the situation at hand. I'm not comfortable with this. Well at least until I know more. But in my own stupidity, perhaps I was too late. The numbers don't add up, and the odds are not in my favour. Or are they?
Looks like I've got some interesting work to keep me going this afternoon. But then what? What's left for me at the end of the day? Nothing good, I imagine. But on the upside, at least there's less than 2 hours to go until I get out of here. What is it when all you do is turn up to work just to watch the clock count down until you can go home? That's not good!
Transportation is meant to forever increase in efficiency and speed, right? To fly across the world now takes about 15 hours from here, which feels like an eternity, and I'm dreading how it's going to be
I can't organise my fractious thoughts. Scattered all over the planes of existence. Some not all tangible. They just float right through me. Hell, they might not even belong to me.
Blergh, I haven't played any games in a long time. And what's more, is that I have no inkling to. I just want to give up.
Hmmm, I think with that, I'm done.
Joaquin out.